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When we arrive in Manchester, we all meet up at a hotel so that we can get dressed and ready together before heading to the actual arena.

I go off with talia, Freya, faith, Emily and a couple other girls to do my hair and makeup. I do ot pretty natural but more glam them what I usually do. I straighten my hair so it's pin straight and then put on my outfit.

After about 2 hours, everyones ready and we all meet in the hotel lobby before getting into group taxis. I go in one with harry, tobi, Simon, talia and callux whilst everyone else gets in another one.

I can't lie I'm quite nervous for jj, I have watched boxing before with matt, but it's very different when one of your friends is taking part in it. Tobi seems to spot my anxiety and whispers in my ear. "Don't be worried, jj is a soldier he's gonna win" I smile at the attempt of trying to cheer me up but come on, have you seen Tommy.

He's like 3 of me put together, I think everyone's a little scared for jj. When we arrive at the arena, we step out of the taxi and walk past groups of filming crew and paparazzi with flashing lights and shit. Some of the boys go to see jj before he walks out.

"Hey lilah, why don't you come with, I'm sure jj would be happy to see you" freezy suggests and I hesitantly agree. I follow him, harry and lux into his dressing room and put a smile on my face to cover the worry. Come on delilah loads of people would kill to be watching this fight live!

I go up to jj and give him a hug. "Your gonna do great" I mumble into his shoulder. He smiles "Thanks lilah I appreciate it" he replies. I let him and the boys have their little moment before we all find our box, where we are sitting.

I sit beside harry and talia before I hear josh shout to me. "Hey lilah isn't that your ex" my breathing quickens as my eyes go to where josh is pointing. My face drops as I spot him only a couple rows infront of our open box. We could basically have a conversation we are that close.

Harry rests his hand on my thigh which I have covered in fake tan and concealer to hide the scars. I turn to look at him as he gives me a look of empathy. Tobi also looks towards me with the same expression.

"Just remember he can't hurt you ok, I'm right here" he says taking my hand discreetly under my jacket which is laid on my lap.

I smile briefly before looking straight forward, trying not to look at matt a few yards away. God I just hope he doesn't look behind him!

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