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It's a couple days after the whole incident with matt, luckily I haven't seen him since he left, apart from this random girl coming to collect his shit. Harry has stayed true to his promise on not telling anyone. I will tell tobi but I need to find the right time, he is my best friend after all.

Today i have been asked to be in a sidemen video by everyone. It's a cooking video so I'm pretty excited.  We are splitting off into teams of 2 and making a Halloween cake.


"Alright the teams are" Stephen announces. "Jj and tobi" both boys cheer. "Vik and josh" they cheer "Simon and ethan" they both cheer and me and Harry smile at eachother since that means we are on the same team. "That means that it's Harry and lilah" Stephen says.

He explains what to do before we find our station and find out what cake we are going to make. Me and Harry are making an alien cake, looks fairly easy not as bad as what jj and tobi are making. "Ayo how is this fair, whilst they're making a alien, we're making a fucking house" we laugh as jj shouts after seeing what me and Harry are making.

I'm dressed as velma from scooby do and harry is dressed as a pumpkin, he looks ridiculous. "Right, i should go and pick the flavours whilst you start mixing shit together" harry says and I give him the thumbs up and he goes to get the flavourings.

Once we've made the actual cake sponge, we both show it off to everyone. It doesn't look as bad as I thought it would look. We mix the icing together and get sabotaged by jj and tobi a couple times but it all turns out OK in the end. I put the icing into the piping bag and harry starts piping it onto the cake.

He's complaining about how there's not enough icing whilst we are getting attacked by everyone. "Harry save the cake" I shout and he guards it with his whole life and finishes piping the icing onto it.

Once we have added all the decorations and things, we put our cake on the table at the front for the judges to taste it.

After trying everyone's cake they decide that ours was the best and we cheer before high fiving and hugging.  "I knew we would win" I say and harry laughs. "We're the best bakers and chefs out of everyone we know" he adds and I nod chuckling.

Once we have finished clearing up and are ready to go, harry asks If I wanted to catch an uber with him so I agree and we both climb into our uber when it arrives. Most of the car ride home, we just laugh and joke around in the back of the uber.

"That's harry, you've really cheered me up these past couple days and I appreciate it alot" I say and he nods smiling. "It's no problem lils, I care about you, alot" he says and we get closer smiling.

Is he leaning in? Shit he's leaning in! What do I do? Should I lean in? Aghh fuck it!!!!

I lean my head closer to his as we hold eyecontact, I can feel his breath on my face. "Right here lad?" The uber driver interrupts and we pull away coughing. "Err yeah thanks mate" harry replies after we pull away from eachother.

Guess that moment has ended.

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