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Ch 3: Caterina

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I'm fucking furious and have been for the last two nights. Who the hell does he think he is? No man has ever talked to me that way. Not Father or even Erick. Yes, Erick can be a dick, but he is my brother. Lex is a fucking Valentino. Pfft. I don't care how turned on I was from him talking to me that way. It will never happen again.

I'm Caterina Marchetti.

"You're making that face again." Francesca looks at me with a smile on her face.

I should have never told her about Lex. She hasn't stopped analyzing me with those big brown eyes since last night. I came back to our condo fuming, ready to eat a pint of chocolate mint ice cream to soothe me, but as usual, I ended up spilling everything to Francesca. She isn't a part of that world anymore, but she is the only person I trust with my secrets and life. Francesca is the last of the Russian Petrov family.

When we were in college, Francesca's entire family was murdered after her mother snitched to the Feds. Thankfully, Francesca had been spending the night at my house and Father let the others know if any more harm came Francesca's way, they would die. After all, she is the closest person I have to a sister and a best friend.

"I'm not making that face," I say to her now. "I'm just thinking."

"Yeah, about him." She leans back against the beige sofa, closes her eyes, and sighs deeply. "I can't believe you're leaving."

"Me either." I copy her, leaning back and closing my eyes. I rarely show emotions, but when it comes to Francesca, I can't help it. I can feel the tears pricking my eyes. What will happen to her when I leave? Will Father still keep his word to keep her safe? "Moving to Italy is the last thing I want to do."

"I thought marrying a Valentino would be the last thing." I can hear the teasing in her voice.

"I didn't think that would ever be a thing. Yet, I feel there has to be a reason behind this. You don't just marry off your only daughter to a family you know she hates."

"Gio has his reasons, I'm sure of it. But you're going to Italy, just think of all the shopping sprees you will have. I'm jealous." She sighs deeply, and it pulls at my heartstrings.

"You should come with me." I sit up, opening my eyes.

"No way. The Valentinos never liked my family. So—"

"I'll be a Valentino." I spit out. "They will have no choice but—"

"Thank you, but no thank you. I'll be fine, Cat, I promise." She opens her eyes and smiles at me. "Besides, you will be too busy having wild, passionate sex with your new fiancée. You won't even think about me."

I know she is trying to make light of the situation, but I can't. Francesca means a lot to me, and if something were to happen to her, I would burn down the entire world. Maybe I need to play nice with Erick just this once and see if he can keep an eye on her.

"Sex with Lex will never happen. He is the enemy."

"So, that doesn't mean you can't fuck him. Just don't fall in love."

"Me? In love with him? Ha, I'll gift you my entire Birkin collection the day that happens." I stand, sinking my feet into the plush carpet.

"Deal!" She squeals with excitement, jumping to her feet. "Have you packed yet?"

"No. I figure if I prolong it, Father will change his mind."

"Gio, change his mind?"

I roll my eyes, not answering. She has a point. When my father sets his mind on anything, he sees it through. His no-waver attitude makes him unstoppable, and no one fucks with Giovanni Marchetti because of that. As his only daughter, you would think I would be a daddy's girl, but he has never shown me that much affection for me to feel like one.

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