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Ch 22: Caterina

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How did my family end up in this mess?


Not even two months as the head of the family, everything is crumbling as I predicted. I can't even focus on my task at hand because of this fuck up. I bet Father wishes he never handed the family to Erick and me to the enemy. I wonder if I ask Lex to kill Erick, would he? Pfft. Probably, but then again, there are countless families out there ready to kill us now. Father was seen talking to the FEDS and Erick...Erick is fucking useless.

"Donna," I stop aimlessly, flipping through the magazine and dropping it on the seat beside me. I look up to see Luciano smile at me. "We're ready to deplane."

Lex didn't mean it when he said he would have a team guarding me. I'm on the plane with only three of his men. Luciano, Moreno and Fedrico. I would have been okay with just Dante. At least I know him somewhat. These three don't seem as intimidating, but those are the kind of people who are borderline psychopaths in our world.

The entire flight to New York, they laughed and joked. They knocked back more drinks than I bet Lex would have liked. Also, not once did they check on me. I appreciated that space, but I thought they would hover over me like a mother with her newborn child.

"Right." I stand up. "I'm heading to my family's home."

"The cars are waiting and loaded," Moreno says from the front of the jet.

"Put this on." Luciano holds a bulletproof vest.

"Is this really necessary? My family owns this city. No one would dare put a hit on me. I'm not putting that on. I'm not a fucking coward."

"Your family owned this city. You're very naive to think word hadn't got out that your father was speaking to the FEDs right before the raid happened. Also, you're not a Valentino just yet, no matter how much Boss loves to my wife everyone to death. You're still a Marchetti, and that makes you a target. Put the vest on." He keeps his voice level and face neutral.

I snatch the vest, putting it on.

"My Father my family are not snitches." I shoulder him out of the way, storming toward the front of the jet. I freeze at the top of the jet's stairs. I take it back. Lex did mean it when he said he would have his men guarding me. "What the hell is Lex thinking?" I whisper to myself as I look down at the tarmac.

"You're precious cargo," Luciano says behind me. "Now, come on, we shouldn't be in the open for so long. I, for one, don't want to get shot at. I just brought this jacket."

It has to be about fifty men on this tarmac, armed. Luciano gives me a gentle nudge, and my feet start moving. There are so many SUVs, and Moreno stands beside a taxi, gesturing for me to enter. This is insane. If Lex is so concerned about my safety, he should know better than this. He is bringing unwanted attention to me—to my arrival.

I get into the back of the taxi, and Moreno slams it shut, walking back to the jet with Luciano.

"Donna," I jump, looking at the driver, it's Federico. Jeez. What is with these men?

"You scared me." I let out a breath. "And please call me Cat."

"Sorry about that." He turns around in his seat. "Cat, I need you to lie down."


"Your safety." He smiles.

"It's showtime. A fleet of SUVs just entered the perimeter. Looks like the Markov Bravta. Wait...the Delgado's just entered as well." My eyes land on the walkie-talkie on the dashboard. Markov and Delgado's? I've built a great work relationship with them. Why wouldn't they reach out for answers first? Why resort to trying to end my life before knowing all the facts.

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