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Ch 25: Lex/Caterina

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Dante and I barely made it down the ladder before the bomb went off. Whoever wants me dead is not fucking around. The explosive did enough damage that my underground tunnel nearly crumbled. Dante lost his footing, falling down on me, almost breaking my neck. My car was buried under the rubble, making leaving difficult. I didn't think knowing all the routes and where they lead was necessary when the underground tunnels were built. As long as I knew which way the car was and the path it would lead out to.

Dante and I got lost more than once, trying to find our way out of the damn maze.

A total clusterfuck.

'I thought you died." Caterina sobs.

I don't know if it's all for show or not. We haven't been together long enough for her to have such a strong reaction like this. Maybe—just maybe, I buttered her up too much.

Could she be falling in love with me?

I tilt her head back. Her tears cascade down her face like a waterfall. This is unexpected, to say the least.

"I'm happy to see that you care about me." I chuckle.

Her eyes are wide, and she takes a step back. Her hands move quickly to her face, wiping away her tears. Caterina almost looks embarrassed that she has shown me such emotion.

"I don't care about you."

"Your face tells a different story." And she knows it.

"This is the face of someone who thought she was going to die."

"Die?" She had more protection than the goddamn president of the United States when she went to visit her father. Caterina dying wasn't even a thought. My men would have died for her if it came down to it. "Please elaborate."

"If you die, I die. People are out to kill me and my family." She sniffles. "I can protect myself, don't get me wrong, but I don't want to be on the run for the rest of my life."

Makes sense.

Yet, she and I both know there is more to that reaction. I have more pressing issues to deal with than to help her learn how to lie properly. I have my men screaching the area for any and everyone who looks out of place. Whoever wants a war with the Valentinos will get one. Ever since Rafael's newest restaurant was vandalized and that M logo was craved in the countertop, I suspected the Marchettis, but with them going through their own troubles now—someone is trying to cover their tracks. Using the Marchetti's as their scapegoat.

"Lex?" Caterina waves her hand in front of my face. "Are you okay?"

"Am I okay?" I scoff a laugh. "Never been better."

Leaving Caterina in the middle of our bedroom, I enter the bathroom—I need a shower, then a stiff drink. With difficulty, I slip off the blazer and button down, but pain shoots up my left arm as I try to lift the white t-shirt over my head. It's not broken, perhaps a sprain or strain. Either way, it hurts like a bitch. Not to mention, the gunshot wound I'm still healing from happens to be on my left side.

I left Singapore for this shit?

"Caterina," I call out for her. "Caterina!"

The bathroom door opens and she looks around frantically. Interesting. Infamous Ice Queen, my ass. Caterina is the Queen of feelings and can't hide them to save her life. Her big brown eyes are full of worry. The last time someone looked at me like that was Freya. I quickly look away from Caterina, not wanting to go down that road of memories.

"Everything okay? Are you okay?" Her voice cracks. My eyes move back to her face. She is really shaken up about this. My chest tightens—do not fall for the enemy.

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