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Ch 17: Caterina

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I did it.

Well, I hope I did.

Nothing comes easy in this life. My revenge won't start unless I put in the effort. Whoever those fucking men were deserved more than a bullet in the head for plotting to abduct me. I have made many enemies over the years, but this is the first my life has been in immediate danger.

I lied to Lex when I said the men pleaded with me. They did no such thing. They told me if I don't die at their hands tonight, more men will come for me. Whoever sent them wants me dead. Before I pulled the trigger, I let them know I would kill every last person that came for me, including whoever the fuck sent them.

Three more guards ran outside when the gunshots went off, and I had to play the part of a terrified woman who didn't know who to trust, but I trusted those three in front of me. I've seen them a handful of times around Lex's villa and Matteo's when I was there. I'm sure Lex has given them the orders to be my personal detail team.

When they spoke their oath to me, I knew what needed to be done.

I had to insult Lex. I had to make him believe that I believe I'm not safe around him. That's the only way he will pull me closer. Close enough to lower his guard, I could start planting my seeds of discord in his empire.

"Caterina," Lex walks through the back door, and I don't stop walking. I fling open the refrigerator, giving myself a second to reel it in. Lex is taking the bait. I've insulted his manhood. "Caterina!" He pulls me from the refrigerator, closes the door, and spins me around to face him.


"You aren't leaving me. We are going to get married, and I will protect you."

"How can you protect me when you leave me behind? You don't trust me around you. I get it. Why would you trust me? I don't know you, and you don't know me."

"I know enough." His eyes glance at my lips. Oh, this will be so easy, like taking candy from a baby.

"No, you don't. Lex, we're just wasting each other's time."

"Then tell me your favorite food, your favorite weather, your favorite color, your favorite snack. Tell me everything you like, Caterina." He presses me against the door, and his hand lifts to gently grab my jaw. His thumb slowly swipes across my bottom lip.

"Why do you want to know that?" I whisper. The air in the room shifts, and my nipples harden against my bikini top. Lex's eyes darken as they jump between mine and my lips.

He presses his muscular chest against mine. "That way, I won't waste our time and only focus on what you like."

"You don't have to. I'll be back in America."

Lex lets out a humorless chuckle. "You're not going anywhere. You're my wife, and I will move Heaven, Earth, and Hell to protect what's mine."

Hook, line, and sinker.

I step on my tippy toes, kissing him. My arms snake around his neck, bringing us closer. I kiss and kiss him, but he isn't budging. What the hell? I bite his bottom lip, and the throaty groan he lets out is music to my ears. I open my eyes to see him staring at me with those bedroom eyes. The same eyes that pinned me down as he took me last night.

"Kiss me," I demand.

"Are you going to stay here? Are you going to become my wife?" He whispers, his lips mere centimeters away from mine. "Say yes, and I will give you everything your heart desires and more. I will protect you from all the danger in the world."

Men like Lex don't like to hear the word no. I've come across more men like him than I can count. But right now, I don't want to say no. I want to say yes. Because for the first time in forever, I feel safe. I feel like I don't have to be Caterina the Ice Queen Marchetti with him. Just me, but he isn't my knight in shining armor. He is the man behind my mother's death.

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