Coffee Date

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The night after her grandparents' party, Rory found herself getting ready to go out with Logan. She wanted to look good, but at the same time she didn't want to look like she was trying too hard. After all it was just coffee. She settled on a nice pair of jeans and a cute top. She left her hair down in loose curls and put on just a little bit of mascara, and some chapstick.

Paris was sitting on Rory's bed, while she got ready. She definitely didn't approve of her best friend going out with Yale's biggest playboy. "I still think you should cancel"

"I can't cancel 5 minutes before" Rory said.

"You know he just wants to get into your pants"

"That's not true" Rory said. She knew that it probably was, but it didn't matter. She had no intention of sleeping with Logan. "And even if that is what he's thinking, it's not gonna happen"

"Mhmm" Paris rolled her eyes.


"You know I'm right" Paris said. She knew Logan's reputation and she knew Rory. She didn't want her friend to get hurt.

"Nothing's gonna happen if we just get coffee" Rory said.

"Just remember no glove, no love"

"Ew" Rory grimaced

"Hey, it's true"

Just then there was a knock at the door.

"Don't say a word" Rory said

"I'm staying in here until he's gone" Paris said.

Rory went to open the door and as she expected, Logan was standing there. They headed to a coffee shop in town, and got their coffee before sitting down.

"You work on the paper, right?" Logan asked. Rory nodded. "Me too"

"Really?" Rory asked. She'd never seen him there.

"Only technically" Logan chuckled. "I don't actually go"

"What the point?" Rory asked

"The point is that I have a father who wants me to be like him" Logan said. "Hey, let's go somewhere"

"What? Where?"

"I don't know" Logan shrugged. "Wherever we end up" he stood up and held his hand out for Rory. She took his hand and they left the coffee shop.

They ended up just walking around town. Logan found himself actually interested in Rory. It was weird because usually he dated for one purpose and one purpose only. He'd never actually been interested in anyone the was he was interested in Rory. He almost didn't notice when he reached to hold her hand.

Rory was very aware of Logan's hand holding hers. She wanted to pull her hand away but she didn't. She liked Logan. He was nicer than she thought, and just because she had a messy breakup doesn't mean she shouldn't date. She didn't need a boyfriend, but she figured it couldn't hurt to have a little fun. That's what you do in college, isn't it?


When Rory got back to her dorm, she turned on the lights and got startled by Paris sitting on the couch.

"Did you sleep with Logan?" Paris asked.

"Geez, you're a weird, horror movie character"

"That wasn't a no" Paris said

Rory rolled her eyes. "I did not sleep with Logan"

"Did you kiss him?"


"Then what did you do?"

"We went for coffee. As friends. Just like I told you we were"

"I don't believe you" Paris said

"I'm going to get ready for bed" Rory said. She grabbed her stuff and headed out to the bathroom which unfortunately were communal.

While Rory was in there, a girl came in wearing a ball gown and a gorilla mask. She took the mask off, put on lipstick, and then turned around and finally noticed Rory who was very confused by what she was seeing. "Oops" the girl said. "Didn't see you there". Before leaving she put a finger over her lips, signaling Rory that whatever she just saw was secret. Rory followed the girl outside where she yelled 'in omnia paratis' before getting into a black SUV.

Rory spent most of that night deep in research, and the next day she found herself standing against a wall, waiting for Logan. When she finally saw him walk by, she called out to him. "Hey Huntzberger!"

"Hey" Logan said. He couldn't help the smile that appeared in his face. He was happy to see her. "You waiting on me?"

"Could be" Rory said

"Wow, I'm flattered"

"Your prerogative"

"Here on business or pleasure?" He asked

"I just thought maybe I'd give you a chance to respond to my article" Rory told him

"What article?" He asked. He had no idea what she was talking about.

"The article I'm doing on the life and death brigade"

He knew exactly what she was talking about, but she wasn't supposed to know about that. "Don't really know what you're talking about"

"You don't?" She asked. He shook his head. "Huh, I thought you would. It's a club. One of these super secret, super exclusive clubs, here at Yale. Membership spans a thousand centuries. Secret handshakes and secret sayings and a lot a running around in circles in your underwear. That kinda thing"

"Sounds pretty secret"

"Yeah. Anyhow, I'm doing sort of an expose on this one particular club and I figured since you're in it, maybe you'd like to have your point of view included"

"I'm in it?" Logan asked

"Aren't you?"

"Uh, I have yet to run around in a circle in my underwear"

"Ok. I mean, I have proof that your grandfather was in it. Which means that your father was in it. Which should mean that you're in it. But maybe not, ok"

"Sorry to let you down"

"No let down" Rory said. "It would've been nice, but I have plenty of stuff without you, and I'm sorry to have bothered you"

"You got plenty without me, huh?"

"Oh yeah, I have the ball gowns, the girl in the gorilla mask, in omnia paratus, very dance catchphrase, by the way. The license plate on black SUV, and about a dozen other little things. I mean, getting an interview with an actual member would have been great, but I'm on without it"

"Well great" Logan said. He knew she was on the paper but he had no idea that she was that good.

"Yup. Plus, I'm completely on to your routine now" Rory said


"Yeah. So, I figured, I'll just teach you and eventually you'll lead me there anyway. So hey, it would be easier if you would just talk to me now but I can do it the other way if you want "

"The other way?"


"With you tracking me?"


"Following my every move?"


"I pick that way"

"Ok, but-"

"We can start right now, if you want. I'm heading back to my room, I'll keep the window open in case you feel the need to sneak in, and track me from the inside"

"Thanks for the info"


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