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Rory and Logan were in Logan's room, she was helping him study for his exams. Rory was sitting on his bed, leaning against the headboard, and he way laying down with his head by the foot of the bed.

"Ace, I love you, but you're the worst study partner ever" Logan said.

Rory laughed. "Why? Because I'm actually making you study?"


"You asked for my help" Rory reminded him

"And I regret it" he said as he sat up. "Business is stupid anyway"

"Logan, you're a business major"

"My father's choice, not mine" he reminded her. "Let's take a break, do something else"

"Like what?" Rory asked

Logan moved so that he was hovering over Rory, his face just inches from hers. "I have a few ideas" He said and kissed her softly.

Rory bit her bottom lip. "How important is this exam?"

"Not very" Logan said and started kissing her neck.  Rory put her hand on Logan's cheek and brought his lips back up to hers. Before they could go any further there was a knock on the door. Logan let his head drop down and rest on Rory's chest. He knew who was knocking, it was Finn. There had been a few times when they'd accidentally walked in on each other at less than ideal times, so they made a deal to always knock if the door was closed. "I really need my own place" Logan said. "What do you want Finn?"

"Are you busy" Finn said

Logan sat up. "You can come in"

The door opened and Finn walked in.

"I'm gonna go" Rory said. "I'll see you later?"

"Yeah" Logan nodded. He watched Rory walk out of the room, and waited until he heard the front door close to speak. "I think I need my own place"

"Why?" Finn asked

"Because you have the worst timing of anyone I've ever met"

"You said you weren't busy"

"I was trying to be" Logan said. Before Finn knocked, he and Rory thought they were alone in the dorm. The second someone knocked on the door, Logan's hopes of getting his girlfriend naked went out the window.

"So what? You're gonna get an apartment?"

"Yeah, why not? It's not like I can't afford it"

"You're gonna get your own apartment so you can get laid?"

"I'm gonna get my own apartment so that my girlfriend can be comfortable" Logan said. He knew very well that Rory wouldn't do anything past kissing if Colin or Finn were around, because she didn't want them walking in.

"That's ridiculous"

"I don't think so"

"You do you, mate"


Rory spent that weekend in Stars Hollow. On Saturday afternoon she was sitting at Luke's with her mom.

"Please Luke" Lorelai said

"No" Luke said

"One cup"

"You had a cup this morning"

"You're no fun" Lorelai pouted


"He's right, though" Rory chimed in. "Too much coffee isn't good for the baby"

"Shut up" Lorelai said. "What do you know? You've never been pregnant"

"You don't know that" Rory said. She wasn't pregnant and didn't plan to be anytime soon, but she thought she'd take the opportunity to mess with her mother a little.

"What?" Lorelai's eyes went wide

Rory laughed. "I'm kidding"

"That's not funny"

"I thought it was hilarious" Luke said

"Yeah, it kinda was" Lorelai admitted. "Besides I don't know how fair it would be for me to get mad if you did get pregnant"

"It would probably be pretty hypocritical" Luke said

"That doesn't mean that you should get pregnant" Lorelai said

"Yeah, I didn't think that's what you meant" Rory said



A couple of months later, Logan told Rory he wanted to show her something. In true Logan fashion, he blindfolded her and took her to his new apartment. Rory wasn't the only reason he moved out of the dorms, but she was part of it. Once they got into the apartment Logan took the blindfold off.

"What am I looking at?" Rory asked

"My new apartment" Logan said with a smile

"This is yours?" Rory asked in disbelief


"This is incredible" Rory said. She walked around the apartment, looking around, Logan followed behind her. The apartment was furnished and as far as Rory could tell, all of Logan's stuff was already there.

"What do you think?" Logan asked

"I think it's great" Rory said.

"Go out on the balcony" Logan said

Rory walked out onto the balcony and she couldn't see the whole Yale campus. "Logan, this is amazing"

"I'm glad you like it" 

The next morning Rory woke up in Logan's apartment, his arm loosely wrapped around her waist. It wasn't the first time they spent a whole night together, but up until then they hadn't done it often. The beds in the dorm rooms aren't meant for 2 people, and when they did spend a night together they could only do it at Rory's dorm because Logan shared a room with Finn.

Rory glanced at the clock. It was still early so she went back to sleep. She woke up a little while later , when Logan tightened his grip around her waist and pulled her closer to him.

She put her hand on Logan's, which was on her stomach, letting him know that she was awake.

"Good morning" He said and kissed her cheek. She turned to look at him. He kissed her softly. "How'd you sleep?"

"Way better than when we sleep together in my dorm room" Rory said.

"So you like the new place?" Logan asked

"I like the new place" Rory nodded



"Are you sure you don't want to be surprised?" Lorelai asked.

"Yes. Tell me" Rory said

"Alright, come July, you'll have a baby brother" Lorelai said. While she wasn't happy being coffee deprived, she was excited about the baby, and so was Luke.

"Oh, my god, I'm so excited!" Rory said. "Is it weird that I'm gonna be almost 21 years older than my brother?"

"Probably, but at this point it doesn't matter" Lorelai said

"Good point"

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