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On Christmas Eve Lorelai continued the tradition of decorating Christmas cookies. Everyone was sitting at the kitchen table and Logan had Ari on his lap.

"All of our mouths are gonna be green after eating these" Rory said. She just touched the green icing with her finger and it stained it a little bit.

"That's my fault" Luke said. "I added too much food coloring"

"Green tongues are cool" Liam said "like Christmas aliens"

"That is the most 11 year old boy thing I've ever heard anyone say" Rory said

"Maybe it's because I am an 11 year old boy" Liam said

"Here sweetie" Logan said and tried to feed Ari a bite of a cookie but she just stared at him. "Eat it"

"Daddy eat" Ari said and pointed up at Logan

"It's for you" Logan said

"No, you" Ari giggled

"Why doesn't she want it?" Liam said

"She's never had Christmas cookies before" Logan told him. "Or anything like this, I don't think"

"I think we've given her chocolate chip cookies a couple of times, and she had cake on her birthday, but that's about it for stuff like this" Rory said. She broke a piece of Logan's cookie. "Ari look" she said and put the piece of cookie in her mouth. "It's yummy, taste it"

Ari giggled and tried to put her hand in Rory's mouth.

"Let's not" Rory said and gently pushed Ari's hand back. "Is my tongue green?"

"Very" Lorelai said

"And your lips, and your teeth" Liam said. "The first ever Christmas alien is my sister" He said in a dramatic voice. "It's only a matter of time before she converts the rest of us"

Rory laughed.

"I think I'll make more green icing" Luke said "don't use that one"

"Yeah, Logan, don't give her that" Rory said. "Here baby" she gave Ari a cookie that only had red icing on it, which she proceeded to try to shove into Logan's mouth. He kept his mouth closed.

"Daddy eat"

Logan moved Ari's hand away. "You eat it"


"Ok, so just put it on the table"

That night Rory and Logan slept at the house without everyone else, so they could do the whole Christmas morning thing. A few years before Luke and Lorelai renovated the house, so there was an extra bedroom now. After Liam went to sleep, everyone else was in the living room, setting up the presents.

"You know he doesn't believe in Santa anymore, right?" Luke asked

"Of course I do" Lorelai said

"Then why do we still do this?"

"Because Christmas is supposed to be magical"

"What about her" Luke asked and gestured to Ari who Rory was holding. "Isn't it supposed to be magical for her too?"

"Babies don't count" Logan said. "She doesn't know what you're doing. She also doesn't understand the concept of Christmas"

"Plus, she's half asleep" Rory said. "She's only out here because she likes to wake up at night and scream her little head off until one of us holds her"

Lorelai chuckled. "I don't miss that"

"Yeah, well, I stuck myself with a needle every day for more than 3 years to get her" Rory said. "I'm not complaining"

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