Old Friends

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One day in February, Logan had to actually go into the office. He hated going into the office. He'd rather work at home and spent time with his kids even if it meant that actually getting work done was a little harder. He finished what he went into the office to do and headed home. Rory and Logan both mostly worked from home, but there were times they had to go into the office.

When he got home, Rory was sitting on the couch, reading. "Hi" Logan said and leaned down to kiss Rory.

"Hey" Rory said

"They're both napping?" Logan asked. It wasn't often that they managed to get both kids napping at the same time. 

"Yes, and putting them down was a nightmare, so if you wake them, I'll kill you"

Logan chuckled. "How was your day so far?" He asked. It was only 2pm, so he was really asking how her morning was.

"It was good" Rory said. "I worked, I played with Henry, I picked up Ari from daycare, and they're both napping which means I've had the last half hour all to myself"


"What about you?" Rory asked "How was work?"

"No different than any other day" Logan said as he sat down next to her on the couch. They sat there for a little while, until they heard Henry crying and Logan went to get him. "Hi Buddy" He said as he took Henry out of his crib. "I missed you". Even if he was only at work for a few hours, he always missed his kids when he was away from them. He changed Henry before bringing him downstairs.

"Hi bubba" Rory said and took Henry from Logan.

"You wanna feed him, or should I?" Logan asked

"I'll do it, but can you make the bottle?" Rory asked. More than changing diapers, or being woken up in the middle of the night, Rory hated making bottles. She didn't even know why since it wasn't hard and it didn't take more than a minute or two, but she hated it.


After Ari woke up, Rory and Logan decided to take the kids to the park for a little. It was pretty cold out, but it wasn't snowing or raining, and they didn't like for the kids to be stuck inside all day if they didn't have to be.

"Daddy, a bee" Ari said and pointed to a ladybug. She did know that it was a ladybug, but she tended to call every bug she saw a bee.

"That's a ladybug" Logan said. He put his finger near it and it climbed onto his finger. "See?"

"No!" Ari shouted

"You don't want me to touch the ladybug?" Logan asked with a chuckle. Ari shook her head so Logan put the ladybug back on the ground.

They didn't stay at the park for too long because it was cold, just long enough to get some fresh air, and for Ari to get some energy out.

That night Rory had a work event that Logan was going to, which meant getting a babysitter. Alice had been babysitting Ari her whole life, and Rory and Logan really trusted her. That didn't make leaving any easier for Rory. It was the first time they were leaving Henry with anyone that wasn't one of them.

Rory and Logan were in their room, trying to get ready, but the Huntzberger household was pretty hectic that evening. Henry wouldn't stop crying, so Logan was holding him, and Ari was very interested in what Rory was doing.

"Mommy, what's that?" Ari asked. Rory was standing in the bathroom, doing her hair, and a little bit of very light makeup. And Ari was sitting on the bathroom counter, watching her.

"Chapstick" Rory said. "Here, you can try it" she said and handed Ari her vanilla flavored chapstick.

Ari brought the chapstick to her nose and smelled it. "Candy"

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