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The summer was mostly uneventful, and in the fall Ari started going to daycare full time. It had been 3 weeks of crying every single morning, but one Friday at the end of September she surprised Logan by just walking in, no problem.

Since he wasn't dealing with a crying toddler that morning, he got to work a little earlier than usual.

"You're here early" Philip said when he saw Logan walk past him. "I left the papers from the newspaper on your desk"

"Thank you" Logan said. He spent most of his day in meetings and picked Ari up on his way home.

"Where's mommy?" Ari asked when she and Logan walked into the house

"I think she's in the office" Logan said "let's go see" he took Ari downstairs to where the home office was set up. That's where they found Rory.

"Mama!" Ari ran over to Rory who was sitting at her desk.

"Hi baby" Rory pulled Ari into her lap and kissed her cheek. "Did you have fun?"

Ari nodded and snuggled into Rory. Logan leaned down to kiss Rory. 

"What do you want for dinner?" Logan asked.

"Fish and chips!" Ari said

"How British" Rory chuckled and kissed the top of her head. 

After eating dinner and getting Ari to bed, Rory and Logan got some housework done. Rory was upstairs folding laundry while Logan cleaned the kitchen.  

Rory put away her clothes and Logan's, but left Ari's in the laundry room since she was asleep.

"Rory!" Logan shouted from downstairs. "You wanna come down here for a minute?"

Logan was waiting for Rory at the bottom of the stairs when she got there.

"What's going on?" Rory asked

"I just got a call from the adoption agency" he told her "we're getting a baby"


"There's a baby boy, in Oxford, he was born a few hours ago" Logan said. "He's ours if we want him"

"Now?" Rory asked in disbelief. They were waiting to get a baby, but they were expecting to know about it before that baby was born. They were supposed to have time to prepare. They didn't have anything for a baby.

"Now" Logan nodded

"We're getting a baby?"

Logan smiled. "We're getting a baby"

Rory took a step forward and wrapped her arms around Logan. He put his arms around Rory and kissed the top of her head.

"We have to go to Oxford" He said.

"Right...what about Ari?"

"I'll call Alice" Logan said.

Half an hour later they were in the car.

"What about Ari?" Rory asked

"She's with Alice" Logan said "and she's asleep. She won't even know we left"

"That's not what I mean" Rory said "she's gonna wake up tomorrow morning to find that we brought a new baby home. We didn't prepare her for this. What if she hates the baby? What if she thinks we're replacing her?"

"She's not gonna think that" Logan said. He put his hand on Rory's leg. "We're all gonna need some time to adjust, but Ari will be fine"

"We don't have anything for him. No diapers. No clothes. No crib. We don't have a car seat. How are we gonna take him home?"

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