April 2018

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In April, Honor and Josh came to visit. Everyone was sitting in the living room and Honor was holding Henry. (AN: Honor and Josh had 2 kids. Jack was born in 2007, and Ella in 2009)

"He has teeth" Honor said.

"2 teeth" Ari said. She was fascinated by the 2 tiny teeth that Henry had.

"Since when does he have teeth?"

"Recently" Rory said. "By the way, he bites people now so watch your hands"

Ella giggled. "That's funny"

"Why is that funny?" Josh asked

"He bites, but he only has 2 teeth" Ella said. "That's funny"

"I love his hair" Honor said. Even though he didn't have so much of it, Henry's hair was pretty curly, as opposed to pretty much everyone in both Rory and Logan's family who all had straight hair.

"How come he has curly hair, but we all straight hair?" Ella asked

"Because he's adopted" Jack said

"So?" Ella asked

"So, he has different genes than the rest of us" Jack said

"How do you know that?" Honor asked



That afternoon, they went to the zoo. 

"What's next?" Jack asked as they walked away from the tigers.

"Monkeys!" Ari said

"Monkeys are on the other side, sweetheart" Logan said. The monkeys were at the furthest end of the zoo, and Ari knew that because they went there pretty much every weekend. "Pick something near here"

"Are there snakes?" Ella asked

"This way!" Ari said and took off, running toward the snakes.

"Nope" Logan said and grabbed Ari before she got too far.

"Hey!" Ari said

"Where do you think you're going?"


"You gotta wait for us, princess" Logan said and put Ari on his shoulders.

"What's her obsession with monkeys?" Honor asked Rory as they walked a little behind everyone else.

"I have no idea" Rory said. "It was her first word after mama and dada. Usually when we come here, she only wants to see the monkeys, but we told her we can't do that today. I didn't think it would be fair to Jack and Ella"

"Yeah, Ella would be pissed if we skipped any of the reptiles" Honor said. "Don't tell her, but she's getting a pet lizard for her birthday"

"Really?" Rory asked in disbelief. She knew that Honor wasn't a fan of animals, especially things like snakes and lizards.

"She's been begging for one almost as long as she can speak, and Josh thinks it's a good idea" Honor said. "I have no plans to go anywhere near that thing. My idiot husband wants to buy it, he can take care of it"

Rory chuckled.

"You're laughing now, but wait until one of yours wants a crazy pet" Honor said and nodded towards the stroller that Rory was pushing that held a sleeping Henry. "How do you feel about monkeys?"

"I'm not getting a pet monkey" Rory said. There was no chance she'd ever get a pet monkey, but she had been thinking for a while that Ari might benefit from having a pet. She also knew that Logan had always wanted a pet, but never had one.

"That's what I've been saying about a lizard for the past 5 years" Honor said

"I'm not getting a pet monkey" Rory said. "The stuffed one will have to be enough"


Rory and Honor were sitting in the living room when Ari in. It was getting pretty late so Josh took Jack and Ella back to their hotel.

"Mommy help!" Ari shouted

"What?" Rory asked


A second later Logan walked in. "Ari, sweetie, you have to brush your teeth"

"Mommy help!" Ari shouted

Rory and Honor both laughed.

"You need to brush your teeth" Rory said


"Come here" Rory said and whispered something in Ari's ear. Ari went back upstairs and Logan followed.

"What just happened?" Honor asked

"I told her that if she brushes her teeth, she could come into our bed in the morning" Rory said. "Which, by the way, she's gonna do anyway"

Honor chuckled. "I do not miss when my kids were that little"

"Really? I feel like if I could pause time, and keep them from getting any older, I would"

"I like that my kids are independent. They don't need someone to do everything for them"

"Good point" Rory said. While she was enjoying the time she had while her kids were little, and she wasn't wishing they'd grow up faster, she could see what Honor was saying. Doing every little thing for 2 kids, all the time could get exhausting.

"Hey, what kind of bathing suit are you bringing to the vineyard?" Honor asked. Honor and Josh, Rory and Logan, and Mitchum and shira (plus all the kids) were all going to Martha's Vineyard at the end of May.

"The same one as always" Rory said.

"Ugh" Honor groaned. "Do you even know how hot you are?"

"Honor" Rory rolled her eyes

"Way too hot to not wear a bikini, I'll tell you that"

"I can't wear a bikini, Honor" Rory said

"Sure you can"

"My stomach looks like a road map" Rory said. She had had more than her fair share of surgeries, and she had a lot of scars from them. While she wasn't usually self conscious about it, she didn't want to be showing that off in a bikini.

"I don't know what that means"

"It means that I've had 9 surgeries in the last 7 years, and I don't need to be showing that off"

"Nobody cares about your scars" Honor said. While she didn't know the details, she knew that Rory had a bunch of surgeries.

"I care"

"Look, I'm not gonna force you, but if you change your mind, I know some really good stores"


A few weeks later, Rory and Logan were laying in bed. Logan had his arm around Rory, holding her close. She'd been thinking about something for a while, but lately she'd been thinking about it more.

"Logan?" Rory asked and around to face Logan

"What's up?" Logan asked

"How would you feel about a puppy?"

"You want a puppy?" Logan asked in disbelief. He was all for it. He loved dogs, and he'd always wanted one as a kid, but his parents always said no. He didn't think Rory would be on board with getting a puppy. At least not while their kids were so little.

"Kind of. I think it'll be good for the kids" she said.

"You know I always wanted a dog when I was a kid, right?"

"I do know that"

"You're really on board with a puppy?"

"I was thinking for her birthday" Rory said. Ari's birthday was just a couple of weeks away so it was a good time.

"I like that idea"

"So we're getting a puppy?"

"We're getting a puppy"

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