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Rory spent a couple of weeks in the hospital. She missed the start of school, but she spoke to the dean and he assured her that it wouldn't be a problem. She'd be given as much time as she needed to make up what she missed once she was better.

Before she was able to get released from the hospital, the doctors wanted her to speak with the hospital psychiatrist. That's where she found herself on Tuesday morning. In her hospital room with a psychiatrist staring at her. "How are you feeling?" He asked

"You want the truth?" Rory asked

"It's preferable" He said

"Well then, I kinda feel like crap" Rory said

"Why is that?"

"Let's see...I can't walk because I tore the ligaments in my knee. I can't write because I have metal pins in my arm and my shoulder was dislocated. My ribs are broken so it hurts to breathe. Half my face is still purple. And I'm stuck in this stupid place, so I'm falling behind on my schoolwork" Rory said. More than anything, she hated being stuck in that room alone all day. She had visitors, but people still had lives. Paris and Logan had classes, and Lane had work. Lorelai tried to visit when she could, but it was hard since she had a newborn. Logan visited every single day though. If he wasn't in class, he was with Rory. "And no offense, but this place is really boring"

"Well, then you're in luck, because I'm clearing you to leave" He said

"Really?" Rory asked

"As far as I can tell, you're not depressed, I don't think you're a danger to yourself or others, I am gonna recommend that you do speak to a therapist even if you don't feel you need it" he said. "You went through something very traumatic, and you need to process it"

"Thank you"


"Are you comfortable?" Logan asked. "Do you need another pillow?"

"I'm fine, Logan" Rory said. "I promise. Come sit with me"

Logan sat next to Rory and she leaned her head on his shoulder.

"I told them to send it in" Rory said

"Send what in?" Logan asked

"The evidence kit" Rory said. "I told them to send it in"

Logan didn't say anything. He didn't need to. Rory told him because she wanted him to know, no response was needed.

Logan put on a movie for them to watch but Rory fell asleep less than 10 minutes in. She was on a lot of medication which made her pretty drowsy. He just put her head on the pillow and covered her with the blanket.

The next morning Rory wake up to see Lorelai in get apartment. "What are you doing here?"

"Logan had to go to class so I'm on Rory duty" Lorelai said

"I don't need a babysitter" Rory said

"Oh yeah? Why don't you get out of bed then?"

"Point taken" Rory said. Rory had started physical therapy and could walk a little bit but not on her own. She needed someone to help her since she couldn't really use crutches because of her arm. She had a wheelchair, but she didn't like it.

"You hungry? I brought you pancakes from Luke's"

Rory shook her head. "I'll eat soon"


Rory decided to go back to sleep for a little, and when she woke up Logan was there. He was on the phone. She watched him have up and then go say something she couldn't hear to Lorelai who was on the couch.

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