January 2018

181 8 1

After getting Henry to sleep, Rory walked past Ari's room, where Logan was getting her dressed after giving her a bath. She stopped in the doorway to watch them for a minute. Logan was sitting on the rug with his back to the door, Ari was laying on the run in front of him, wrapped in a towel.

Ari saw Rory, but Logan didn't know that she was there. "Mama" Ari said

"Yeah, mama's putting Henry to sleep" Logan said "she's gonna come say goodnight soon"

"No, mama" Ari said. She probably should've pointed if her arms weren't wrapped in the towel. 

"What about mama?" Logan asked. Rory was making silly faces at Ari from behind him.

"Mama" Ari giggled. "Mama mama mama"

"Yeah, you love your mama, I know" Logan said. "I love her too. We're pretty lucky to have her, huh?"

"Couldn't agree more" Rory said, startling Logan

"Jeez, Ace, how long have you been there?" Logan asked

"Long enough" Rory said as she crouched behind Logan, wrapping her arms around him and resting her chin on his shoulder.

"I meant it, you know" he said "I don't know what I did to deserve you, but I don't know what I'd do without you"

"Mama" Ari said

"Yes, my love"

"Bubbles" Ari said. Bubbles was her monkey that she was still very much obsessed with.

"Daddy's gonna get you dressed and then we'll get bubbles" Rory said "ok?"

"Ok mommy"

Rory went downstairs to get some water to take her pills, and Logan got Ari dressed in bed pajamas. When she got back upstairs, she heard Ari crying. It was coming from hers and Logan's bedroom. "What's going on?" She asked

"I can't find the damned monkey" Logan said. Ari was very attached to the stuffed monkey. She didn't go anywhere without it. The only places she didn't take it was in the bath and swimming. And even when she went swimming, the monkey was in the car, waiting for her as soon as she was done. Not being able to find the monkey was not good.

"What do you mean you can't find it?" Rory asked

"It's not in her room, it's not in the playroom, it's not in here. I can't find it" Logan said.

Meanwhile Ari was still crying. "Bubbles!"

"I know" Logan said "I know you want bubbles, we're looking for him, ok?"

"Is it in Henry's room?" Rory asked. Henry was 4 months old, and he slept in his own room, until Rory and Logan went to bed, at which point they moved him into their room.

"I don't know" Logan said. "All I know is that if we better find that damned monkey" 

They spent the next hour looking for the monkey, and still couldn't find it. It was getting late and Logan made the decision that the best thing to do was to just go and buy a new monkey. They could keep looking, but Ari was really upset, and it wasn't worth the stress when it was easy enough to replace. While he was already buying another one, he bought 2 extras just in case. 

When he got home Rory was sitting on the couch with Ari snuggled up in her lap. Rory looked over at Logan and he held up the monkey. It was the exact same one that Ari already had. It looked a little newer, but it wasn't a big enough difference that he didn't think Aurora would notice.

"Ari, look what daddy found" Rory said.

Ari lifted her head and looked at Logan who was still holding up the monkey. "Bubbles!" Ari said and jumped up to get the monkey from Logan.

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