Chapter 04

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Murtasim threw the coffee out of his mouth and shouted,

Murtasim : Meeraaaaab........!!😠😤

The manager came in to Murtasim's cabin after hearing his scream.

Manager : What happened Sir?

Murtasim : Where is Miss Meerab? Call her! (Angrily)

Manager: Sir, she left a long time ago. (Says in fear)

Meerab : What do you mean? Office time is not over yet and she is gone?Manager, what were you doing then?

Manager : Sir, she almost always does so. She comes whenever she wants and leaves whenever she wants.

Murtasim : Why is she paid? And what do you do? Why have you been kept?

Manager : I didn't hire Miss Meerab. Actually....

Before the manager could say anything, Murtasim hits his table and said,

Murtasim : If you don't take this girl out of the office tomorrow, you won't come to the office again.

Manager : Sir,I........

Murtasim : Just out! 😤

Murtasim was so angry that no one but Allah knows what he will do if Meerab comes in front of him. He left the office.

Meerab went home and fell asleep. Later, when Maa Begum called her to eat, she ate and went to play with the children.

Murtasim came home and hugged his mother and her mother cried.

Murtasim: Assalamh Alaikum Maa.

Maa Begum : Walaikum Assalam. Murtasim, is it right? Today, after so many years, you have come from abroad. You didn't come home first and went to the office?

Murtasim : Sorry Maa!

Maa Begum : Well, what happened to you?

Murtasim : Don't say Maa Begum. One devil girl gave me bitter gourd juice instead of coffee.

Maa Begum : What! Bitter gourd juice?

Murtasim : Yeah! And she was my PA.

Maa Begum : You didn't say anything?

Murtasim : Badtamiz ladki she was! She ran away before I could say anything.

Murtasim was talking to his mother. Then a neighbor woman came holding Meerab's hand. Meerab stood with her head bowed.

Maa Begum : What happened Bhabi? Why are you bringing her like this?

Neighbour women : Bhabi why didn't you say something to this girl? Today this girl broke the window glass of my house. How many more times with this? She become a child with children while playing cricket with them. She is becoming such a big girl and behaving like a kid?

Maa Begum : Meerab, is what Bhabi is saying true?

Meerab : Maa Begum, actually I didn't hit the ball. That Chintu hit the ball. 😜

Neighbour women : You stupid girl! Why are you lying? Didn't I see? I will break your teeth with a slap. 😤

Maa Begum : Bhabi you said a lot, not more. Your courage is not low. You are saying you will slap my daughter in front of me? Good thing you came to say, now go. (Angrily)

Murtasim got surprised seeing all the incidents. Why his mother was calling Meerab her daughter? And why this girl here? The woman left. Later Meerab saw Murtasim.

Meerab (to herself) : Allah Miah!😱 What is this Idiot boss doing here? Has he come to complain in my name? Today is your last day Meerab. 😰

Maa Begum : Are you alright Meerab?

Meerab : Yes Maa!😅

Maa Begum : And how much do I say not to behave like a children? Allah, how come there are so many complaints in your name?

Murtasim looked at Meerab angrily and said,

Murtasim : Why are you here?

Meerab : Sir, you come to my house and you're telling me why I am here? You came to complain in my name, didn't you?😠

Maa Begum : Do you know each other?

Murtasim : This is that naughty girl, who fed me bitter gourd juice.

Maa Begum : 😱😲😲😱

Meerab : Maa, do you know him?

Maa Begum : Areh! This is Murtasim, my son. And you fed him the juice of bitter gourd?

Meerab : Whatttt! 😱 This is your son?Maa Begum, believe me, I didn't know he is your son. If I had known, I would have mixed a little sugar with the juice of bitter gourd. 😟

Murtasim : What? Are you a crazy girl? How can you say such nonsense?

Meerab : Am I talking nonsense? Hey you Anaconda! Do you know how useful the juice of bitter gourd? Where to say thank you to me, on the contrary, you're scolding me. 😑

Maa Begum : Allah Miah! Where should I go with this girl? Meerab, you go to your room plz.

Meerab angrily went to her room. Murtasim looked at his mother with fiery eyes and asked,

Murtasim : Maa, why is this girl here?

Maa Begum : Murtasim, this is your Waqas Uncle's nephew. Her parents died in an accident when she was young. She grew up with her uncle. But her aunt Rafiya is much worse. Rafiya wants to force Meerab to marry her nephew. Then her uncle (Wakas) left her here with us. Meerab's uncle Waqas loves Meerab a lot but he is afraid of Meerab's aunt. So Meerab stays with us now. She has become very close to us in two years. 😇

Murtasim : Dad doesn't say anything to this girl? She is so naughty. 😠

Maa Begum : Your father doesn't say anything to her. Your father loves her a lot. Meerab has filled the gap of our daughter. She loves us very much. She has a little bit of childishness inside her but she is very good at heart.

Murtasim : Do you know what this girl told me?

Maa Begum : What did she say?

Murtasim : She has old parents, little brothers and sisters. She told me not to kick her out of the office. So many lies?

Maa Begum : 😀😁😂

Murtasim : You're laughing Maa?

Maa Begum : Murtasim! Everyone easily believes her words. Come lets eat.

Murtasim : Hmm! (This girl is in my house also. Allah, save me from this crazy girl please.🙏)

Maa Begum : Come Murtasim.

Murtasim: Hmm.

To be continued.

Romantic Husband Idiot Boss (Meerab and Murtasim)Where stories live. Discover now