Chapter 24

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Murtasim smiled when he saw Meerab doing such a thing. He went in front of her, grabbed her hand and pulled her towards him and spreads his lips on her lips. He seemed to be taking all the bitterness from her lips. He started kissing deeply.

Meerab holds Murtasim's hair tightly. Murtasim pressed Meerab's waist harder and pulled her closer. It seemed that he was taking all the bitterness from her lips.

After a while Meerab pushed Murtasim and he left her. The two of them started breathing heavily. Murtasim was feeling very bitter. His eyes became red. Meerab was completely surprised.

Murtasim didn't know what to do in bitterness. He couldn't stand it anymore and drowned in Meerab's lips again. Meerab was pushing Murtasim again and again but was failing. Murtasim left her after a long time. Meerab's lips became red tomatoes and so was Murtasim's. Meerab pushed Murtasim and said,

Meerab : How dare you mix chili powder in my coffee?

Murtasim : When you mix .... nothing .... and when I mix it becomes my fault?

Meerab : When did I add chili powder in your coffee?

Murtasim : You made the coffee for me today, didn't you? And Shaan accidentally drank that.

Meerab didn't understand what to say. She was silent. Seeing her silent, Murtasim said,

Murtasim : What happened? Why are you silent? So you are admitting your own guilt, that the coffee you made for me?

Meerab didn't know what to say so she said angrily,

Meerab : It's okay that you mixed chili powder but why did you kiss me? And why do you always forcefully kiss me?

Murtasim came close to Meerab and grabbed her waist and pulled her towards him. And he carefully puts the hair on Meerab's face behind her ears. He puts his face close to Meerab's ear and said softly,

Murtasim : Do you get annoyed when I kiss you? OK then, I won't kiss you again. Happy?

Meerab : Did I mention that I get annoyed? Why do you understand so much?

Murtasim : That means you feels good. 😏

Meerab : Did I say that? (Uff..!! unbearable)

Meerab said while trying to get rid of Murtasim.

Murtasim kissed Meerab's neck. Murtasim's touch seemed to have an intoxication to Meerab. She continued to enjoy Murtasim's touch. Suddenly Murtasim bites her neck. Meerab screamed and pushed Murtasim lightly and said,

Meerab : Are you human or monster?Why do you bite me all the time? I wish I could make your juice with a blender and eat it in one go. Idiot Monster! 😡

Murtasim : What? 😱You will make my juice with a blender? You have such great courage?😠And, what did you say? I'm an idiot monster?

He told Meerab while coming close to her. Meerab got very scared. So without thinking nothing else, she took a pillow from the bed and threw it at Murtasim and said,

Meerab : I..... I didn't call you an idiot monster. 😧

Murtasim caught the pillow and said,

Murtasim : Is that so? So, I hear less in the ear?

Meerab : May be....!! You have a problem with your ears. Bohot kam sunte hai aap. Aur doctor k paas jane k liye bola phir bhi nhi jate hai.

Murtasim left the pillow and said,

Murtasim : What did you say? Wait, abhi dikhata ho mai tumhe. 😡

Meerab kept running and Murtasim was behind her.

Romantic Husband Idiot Boss (Meerab and Murtasim)Where stories live. Discover now