Chapter 09

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Meerab and Murtasim moved to Dhaka. They both went to a hotel there and booked 2 rooms.

Murtasim freshened up from the washroom and he fell asleep because he hadn't slept all the way. Meerab was asleep all the way so she couldn't sleep anymore. She went in front of Murtasim's room and knocked on the door.

Murtasim opened the door very angrily and saw Meerab standing there. He got more angry seeing her. This girl didn't give him any peace and now she didn't even let him sleep. He said angrily,

Murtasim : What's your problem?

Meerab : Sir, I have no problem.

Murtasim : Then why did you come here?

Meerab : Sir, sleep is not coming.

Murtasim : What! 😠

Meerab : Sir I said I can't sleep.

Murtasim : Youu! Get out!😡

Meerab : Sir!

Murtasim : Uff! Aab kya mai tumhe lorhi sonaw?

Meerab : Sir, aap lorhi sona ke sola bhi sakte hai?

Murtasim : Miss Meerab, when your nonsense get over, go. I'll sleep.

Meerab : Sir, then what do I do?

Murtasim : Jao aur chori karo.

Meerab : Sirrrr! Seeing me, do you think I'm a thief? 😠

Murtasim : What do you mean?

Meerab : Sir, whatever you tell me but never call me a thief.

Murtasim : OK sorry! Please go.

After Meerab left, Murtasim closed the door and fell asleep. Unable to think of what to do, Meerab went to Murtasim's room again and knocked on the door.

Murtasim got very annoyed and opened the door and saw Meerab was standing again. He was so angry now that he grabbed Meerab's hand and brings her to the room and leans against the wall and looked at her with a fiery look.

Murtasim : What is your problem?😡

Meerab : Sir, please leave. I'm in pain. 😢

Murtasim : You've ruined my head by talking all day. How do you talk so much? Is there any problem to be silent?😠

Meerab cried in pain because Murtasim was holding her hand very tightly. Murtasim did not notice that. Seeing Meerab crying, he let go of her hand. Meerab pushed him, went to her room and started crying.

Murtasim : Shit! What did I do this? In anger, I hurt a girl like this? (He said and punched to the wall)

He went to Meerab's room and saw that Meerab was cursing him a lot.

Romantic Husband Idiot Boss (Meerab and Murtasim)Where stories live. Discover now