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"I-is it possible for us to escape? It seems like there's nothing we can do anymore- he undoubtedly will kill both of us," Ky struggled to speak, tears streaming down his face as he sank onto the bed he shared with Jungkook, crying in despair.

Jungkook sniffled, tears also welling up in his eyes. "How much longer? How long will we have to keep running away? He is the one at fault, not us. Why should we be the ones constantly fleeing?" Jungkook choked up, sitting at the edge of the bed.

Under the veil of darkness, the two boys returned home after the interview, only to find themselves consumed by tears. Both felt worthless, frightened, weak, and overwhelmed by fear.

"This is terrible, my god... he won't allow us to live peacefully here! He will surely find a way to kill me and then take you away. This is as bad as it gets... I can't bear losing you," Ky cried uncontrollably, while Jungkook trembled, struggling to catch his breath.

"Is it really true that we have no options left? Can we really do nothing?" Jungkook managed to choke out his words, but his anxiety was interrupted by the sound of the doorbell ringing.

"It must be him," Ky said with a deep voice and a wide-eyed expression.

"Don't scare me like that!" Jungkook snapped, his fear evident in his voice. However, he composed himself, stood up, and reluctantly walked towards the door. His own footsteps startled him, causing him to flinch, with Ky following closely behind.

The two boys made their way to the kitchen and picked up two kitchen knives before proceeding toward the door.

Jungkook took a deep breath, opened the door, and let out a sigh of relief when he saw that it was just an unfamiliar Caucasian man wearing a pink cap, holding a bouquet of roses, white lilies, and red tulips. Wait, why did this man have a bouquet?

"Kim Jungkook?" The man asked.

Surprised by the words, Jungkook dropped the knife from his hand and his eyes widened even further, already red from crying incessantly.

"Kim Jungkook lives here?" The man continued.

Jungkook turned around and exchanged a dubious glance with Ky before facing the man again.

"It's me," Jungkook stammered, and the man handed him a bouquet.

"This is for you then," the man said before walking away.

Taking a deep breath, Jungkook closed the door and noticed that Ky had picked up the knife he had dropped earlier.

"There's a card," Jungkook muttered, grabbing the white card embellished with red details. He opened it, clenched his teeth, dropped the bouquet, and ripped the card apart.

"What did it say?" Ky asked, curious about the message on the card, but his voice faltered when Jungkook fell to his knees, sobbing uncontrollably.

"He told me to wear that ring tomorrow at work, and that he wants me back. He said he will make me his this time," Jungkook cried, attempting to wipe away his tears.

"I refuse to accept it! I refuse to accept it! It's entirely my fault- I should never have been drawn to him- then this wouldn't have happened- he- he wouldn't have turned into an obsessed psychopath now." Jungkook struggled to catch his breath, tears streaming down his face.

"He has had feelings for you ever since he first saw you, Kook, back in the dormitory building when he first appeared- it has nothing to do with you and it's not your fault at all!" Ky snapped, causing Jungkook to bite his lip, unable to hold back his tears.

"Please, Ky- don't let him take me away again- I can sense my own sanity crumbling whenever I'm with him- and- and I don't want it- I don't want to be influenced by him." Jungkook's voice trembled with vulnerability and fractured emotions.

Ky knelt down, carefully placing the gleaming knives on the pristine floor beneath them. With tender affection, Ky embraced Jungkook tightly, their bodies intertwining in an exquisite display of devotion.

"My love," Ky murmured lovingly. "Rest assured that I will protect our bond against any force that seeks to tear us apart, for as long as I draw breath."

As they reluctantly released their embrace, an air of serenity enveloped them both. In a hushed tone, Jungkook reciprocated the embrace, his voice trembling with a mixture of fear and love.

"You understand, my heart, that he will stop at nothing to separate us, resorting to killing you in the process," he whispered, seeking solace within Ky's embrace. Sensing the urgency of their situation, Ky tightened their hold, assuring their beloved that they comprehended the gravity of the predicament.

"I understand, my love... I understand. That is why I entreat us to escape from this abyss of danger, heading towards a faraway sanctuary where he cannot reach us. There is nothing else left for us." Their words were but a delicate melody carried on the breeze, shared in the depths of their secret world.

Gently nodding in agreement, Jungkook sniffled softly, his emotions flooding over him. A hum escaped his lips, akin to a prayer whispered into the night, fervently hoping for a semblance of peace to descend upon their lives once more. And so, they resolved to embark on their clandestine journey, vowing to flee under the cover of tomorrow's morning light.

"Let's sleep for now, my love," Ky whispered tenderly. "Tomorrow, we will run away."

In this moment, amidst the shadows of their shared uncertainty, Jungkook's heart yearned for a newfound safety, fervently hoping for a dawn that would shatter their fears and grant them respite from their trials.

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