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In a world where everyone is wounded, pain and fear can create the most dangerous alliance.

The things that can break you down into pieces, leaving you all vulnerable and weak and taking all of your strength away, are pain and fear.

Your fear leaves you frightened. You feel like there's no way you can make it, and like that, it makes you do things you didn't want—whether right or not, all you could think of was how to get out of the situation before it's too late.

Pain leaves you weak, hauling all of your strength of your body until there's nothing left. Either physical pain or psychological pain leaves you completely broken. And a scar of it always remains in your heart.

Jungkook was both in fear and pain right now.

His fear and pain became a coalition, making him face a circumstance that he didn't want to face—at least not once again.

They were taking advantage of Jungkook's fear and pain as a weapon against him.

Jungkook was left vulnerable right now. He couldn't go to Taehyung's office and tell him what was happening because he feared there would be other members of the mafia who hid their identities and worked as Taehyung's employees.

He couldn't call either, because he didn't have his cellphone, and he feared that if he used someone else's cellphone, there could be possibilities that the phone got tracked, and the poor person who simply burrowed Jungkook's phone would get in danger as well.

Jungkook didn't want that.

He had too many fears, and one of his major concerns was Taehyung right now. Although he knew Taehyung would certainly be alright, Jungkook couldn't help but worry.


He walked into the corridor of the hospital, fidgeting his fingers together. Jungkook's eyes were big and sniveling. Too many thoughts and too many feelings were buried within him. Jungkook was clearly in pain and grief, but he couldn't burst into crying.

He was at the hospital, and he couldn't scream in affliction and let his emotions out. He really couldn't. Jungkook sniffed like a loser. Jungkook hoped he was alright. That's the only thing he can do now.

Ky was shot.

After returning back to his house, Jungkook found his house was prohibited (since the killer was still out there) by the police because the neighbors found a raven-haired man got into the house, and after a while, he went out with a gun in his hand.

And by sneaking inside, they saw Ky's injured body there, and here Jungkook was now hoping for everything to be alright.

Junkook didn't know what was happening right there. He couldn't tell if Ky was alive or not. He basically couldn't tell anything, though one of the nurses said his surgery was going on inside—at least that's what she thought.

Jungkook felt pathetic for dragging Ky into this mess. He shouldn't have escaped and harmed Ryan; this wouldn't have happened then. The raven-haired man wouldn't have tried to kill Ky now, and everything would have been alright now.

Jungkook broke into tears, covering his mouth with his hands to quiet down his loud sobs, and halted walking in the middle of the corridor, bucking his head down at the floor with his eyes squeezed shut together.

Jungkook then felt a bump on his shoulder, making him stumble slightly, and then he glanced at the person—who seemingly was a surgeon—who also continued to walk, not paying much mind.

All Jungkook was able to tell of the person was his raven locks, which seemed rather soft.

Jungkook sniffed and then brushed his tears away, noticing a folded handkerchief on the ground. Jungkook knelt down and picked it up, presuming the surgeon had dropped it earlier. It felt like there was something within the cloth, but Jungkook didn't bother to open it because it simply wasn't his, plus he shouldn't touch others' things.

Jungkook inhaled a deep breath, fisting tightly on the handkerchief and the thing inside, and stood up, glancing over. The person was nowhere in sight, and Jungkook thought he could just hand it to a nurse—or even wait for that surgeon to come over and get back whatever the fuck he was folding within the cloth.

Jungkook sat down on the seats held against the wall and exhaled a deep breath. His head was aching, and his whole body was fatigued from running, crying, worrying, and overthinking. He honestly needed a break.

Jungkook leaned back against the wall, closing his eyes, but then he opened his eyes wide when he heard a loud scream, and the voice seemed to be a woman's.

Jungkook stood up and started running in the direction the voice came from, and while searching for the voice, Jungkook bumped into a raven-haired surgeon once again, and Jungkook hissed scarcely—he was more worried about the scream that came from inside.

Although Jungkook was confused about how the surgeon was heading towards the exit, without caring about the scream, he took his mask and threw it away, and his gloves, which were completely covered with blood, went to the dustbin; his sleeves were red too; almost his whole forearm was red; and he walked out of the door.

Jungkook blinked before returning to his trance. He saw some other people were also running to the place the scream came from—all concerned and worried—and Jungkook decided to follow them too.

All of them then gathered in a room, and Jungkook felt like he missed his heartbeats. His mouth parted, his eyes went wide, and tears started to form in the corner of his eyes.

Here on the bed lay Ky, blood all over.

And fuck—his organs and body parts were all split over, and his lips were sewed. Jungkook squeezed his eyes shut together when he saw something small. Jungkook assumed it was his tongue and hurled it over the marble flooring.

The whole white bed was tinted red, and Jungkook found himself involuntarily stepping closer to get a better look at the corpse. Tears swelled down as he noticed how every single organ within him was sliced, and the huge cut from his abdomen to his chest seemed so fucking awful. Jungkook was sick and nauseous.

Jungkook's breaths shortened, and he started to run and rush past everyone. Jungkook headed to the exit after having a view of the gloves that the surgeon had thrown into the dustbin, drenched in blood. Jungkook felt like his breaths were taken away, and he rushed outside and looked around.

Jungkook froze when he spotted a black Mercedes being driven away under the moonlight of the murky night.

And through the window, he saw Lisa with a stick of cigarettes between her lips, and she had a hand out of the opened window, which was holding a gun.

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