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"We have the entire hotel reserved for us for the duration of the week," Taehyung informed his employees, who stood in the hallway with their luggage in hand.

"Is it necessary to have such a large hotel for just the seven of us?" Ryan questioned, his gaze sweeping the expansive hall before landing on the receptionist.

"Good afternoon, sir," the receptionist greeted with a polite smile, her pink lips quivering. "We are delighted to have you here." Her long, straight hair cascaded down her shoulders like a waterfall, and her blue eyes shimmered like stars.

"It's a pleasure to be here," Taehyung replied with a neutral expression, then turned his attention to his secretary who was engrossed in conversation with Lisa and giggling like a high school anime character.

"Jennie," Taehyung called, prompting the girl to quickly face him. 

"Yes, sir?" Jennie responded, a frown evident on her face. 

"Tell everyone that they can go to their rooms. I want to spend some time alone with Jungkook," Taehyung declared confidently. His expression remained unchanged as he walked away.

Jungkook stood there, looking down, feeling nervous. He had never wanted to come here in the first place. He didn't know any of them and couldn't feel comfortable amongst strangers. And now, he was all alone.

Jungkook chewed the inside of his mouth, feeling fear and anxiety creeping in. He was positive that he would have a panic attack if a stranger approached him.

He was ridiculously scared that someone would kidnap him and harm him. He was afraid that the events of the past would repeat themselves. And Jungkook definitely did not want that.

"Hey, doll," Taehyung affectionately said with a small smile as he took hold of Jungkook's arm and the two walked out of the hotel. Jungkook squeaked in surprise and stared at Taehyung in disbelief.

"Where are you taking me?" Jungkook asked, but hesitated when Taehyung kissed his cheek. "Your fourth finger looks empty. I want to fill it," Taehyung said with a gleam in his eye.

"I've been here before and there's a jewelry store nearby. I want to give you a diamond ring!" Taehyung stopped running and scooped Jungkook up in his arms like a bride.

Jungkook couldn't help but smile at how Taehyung's smile remained unwavering, growing even brighter, more cheerful, and more positive.

The cold December breeze blew, causing Taehyung's hair to ruffle. With a racing heart, Jungkook wrapped his hands around Taehyung's neck to steady himself and buried his face in the nape of Taehyung's neck, reveling in the warmth they shared.

In that moment, it felt like love, and for a brief time, Jungkook's thoughts were of his boyfriend, whom he had left in California, assuring him that everything would be fine, it was just one week and that's it..

And that's it.

"Where are you taking me?" Jungkook asked, but hesitated when Taehyung kissed his cheek. "Your fourth finger looks empty. I want to fill it," Taehyung said with a gleam in his eye.

"I've been here before and there's a jewelry store nearby. I want to give you a diamond ring!" Taehyung stopped running and scooped Jungkook up in his arms like a bride.

Jungkook couldn't help but smile at how Taehyung's smile remained unwavering, growing even brighter, more cheerful, and more positive.

The cold December breeze blew, causing Taehyung's hair to ruffle. With a racing heart, Jungkook wrapped his hands around Taehyung's neck to steady himself and buried his face in the nape of Taehyung's neck, reveling in the warmth they shared.

In that moment, it felt like love, and for a brief time, Jungkook's thoughts were of his boyfriend, whom he had left in California, assuring him that everything would be fine, it was just one week and that.

Jungkook didn't acknowledge that they had reached the shop since Taehyung kept holding him in his arms. Jungkook didn't argue because he genuinely enjoyed being lifted up by Taehyung in a bridal style. It reminded him of when he first fell in love with Taehyung's kindness, the fake persona he used to charm Jungkook into sharing information about the video.

But even in the presence of a hero, there is evil lurking.

"Show me everything that would suit my husband's handsome face. I want to spoil him with everything I have," Taehyung said with a smile, pulling Jungkook's face closer and brushing their noses together. He felt just as warm holding Jungkook in his arms.

"And let's get couple rings for my diamond and me, to symbolize that we belong to each other," Taehyung added, licking Jungkook's lips and giggling. He then turned to the owner of the shop.

"I will demonstrate everything we have here to you, sir," the man said, his lips curving into a small smile as he addressed the couple in front of him.

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