Chapter 5

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As soon as they enter Chay's suite, Porsche watches his brother grab pajamas from his dresser drawer and go straight to the bathroom. It happens within seconds, before Porsche can even try to debrief with him more privately. But he gets it. He knows how desperate he was for a shower when he and Kinn were kidnapped, once he knew Kinn was going to be okay. Maybe now that Chay knows Kim is in safe hands, he is just taking time for himself. 

If that even is Kim. 

How the fuck is that Kim? Kim is not a toddler. Maybe Chay is traumatized and Kim really is dead. Or stayed dead. But that would destroy Kinn. Porsche would rather have Kim be a toddler, even though it's impossible. 

Porsche: Hey. How is everything? Are you okay?

It takes fifteen minutes for Kinn to respond, but that's okay. Chay is still showering.

Kinn: He's having a meltdown. He wants Chay to come back. 

Porsche: So you think it's really Kim?

Kinn: …I have no idea. But he looks exactly the same as he did around 3 years old. The picture Khun had was taken a couple of months before Kim's 3rd birthday and they are literally identical. But I can't even talk to him right now. He won't communicate. Can Chay come back? 

Porsche: Kinn, he's overwhelmed. He didn't even talk on the way back to his suite. He's dead on his feet. I want him to get some rest so he can process. He's in the shower now, but he is going to bed right after. 

Kinn: Okay. Sorry. But Kim is overwhelmed too. 

If that is Kim. 

But Porsche can't say that. Kinn has to be incredibly stressed, even if he thinks Kim…magically turning into a toddler…is what actually happened. If he does, Porsche doesn't have the heart to take that hope away from him. Because if he does? That only leaves them with the more likely alternative. Kim being dead. And losing a little brother is a pain he wouldn't wish on anyone, let alone Kinn. 

Porsche: Just comfort him and try to get him to go to sleep. I'm staying in Chay's suite tonight. You should stay in Khun's. Have a sleepover and be present for him. 

Kinn: I'm TRYING. He only wants Chay. If Chay could just come back for a few minutes to talk to him, even if it's to just tell him goodnight and that he will see him tomorrow, I think that would help. 

Porsche: He's literally dead on his feet. He apparently killed a man, escaped captivity, witnessed your brother die, and took care of a toddler while being lost in the wilderness until getting them both back here on his own! He needs a break, Kinn!

It's a rude message, and Porsche regrets it as soon as he sends it, especially when Kinn calls instead of texts back. 

"He's not dead!" Kinn snaps, and Porsche feels a jolt of guilt at the anguish in his voice. That guilt only grows when he hears a little boy crying in the background, "He's right here and he's fucking hurting because your brother just left without a word! I don't know if he just got really attached over the last couple of days because Chay took care of him or if it is something else, but that's who he wants."

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