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JUNE  had slipped away, and as July crept up on us I couldn't help but feel sad. Only a month and a handful of days remained of this summer, only a month a a handful of days remained until we would go back home and resume our lifes as they were before we left. I was sad, I couldnt even lie the idea of going back home and preparing for school and just living life within the boundaries set by schedules made me want to pull the pillow back over my head and go back to sleep for hours.

But today wasn't about the looming end of summer; it was about the beginning of something new and exciting. Today was my first official date with Conrad. I couldn't stop the butterflies that danced in my stomach as I stood in front of the mirror, making sure I looked presentable. Conrad had insisted on picking me up, a gesture that had made me feel all the more special - especially because he was going out of his way to be out of the summer house all day just so he could drive back home and pick me up to give me a real first date experience. It made me giddy and nervous. I was really fucking nervous I can't even lie.

Susannah had offered to help me get ready, and her excitement was infectious. She treated me like a daughter, and it was clear she was thrilled that Conrad and I were going on a date. As she sifted through my clothes, she held up different outfits, her eyes sparkling with enthusiasm.

"How about this one, Lennox?" she suggested, holding up a cute sundress.

I shook my head, my fingers grazing over the soft detialed fabric. "No, he said casual. It's too dressed up, I think."

Susannah chuckled, her fingers moving to another hanger. "Alright, how about this one?"

I smiled softly at the older woman as she held up one of the crotched tops I had gotten last summer and a pair of denim shorts "He still hasn't told you what the plans are?"

"I think this is the one." I grinned, taking the clothes from her outstretched hands "No, he won't tell me and Jere won't budge either."

"You think Jere knows?"

"I would be surprised if he didnt," I giggled, stepping into the bathroom in the hallway to pull the outfit on

It wasn't until I stepped back into my room that the anxiety really started to hit me, I had been nervous all day but the anxious feeling creeping up my spine made me want to call it all off. I had wanted this for longer than I was willing to admit, but what if this is what made Conrad realize this wasnt what he wanted?

Susannah smiled as I rubbed my palms against my jean shorts."Oh, Lennox, you look darling, I need to get some pictures for your mom."

"You really think so?" I glanced at myself in the mirror, that anxious feeling feeding into all of the negative thoughts bubbling in my mind

She stepped closer, her motherly gaze filled with warmth. "Absolutely. But remember, Lennox, the most beautiful thing you can wear is your smile."

I took a deep breath, allowing her words to boost my confidence. "Thanks, Susannah."

I made my way downstairs, my fingers nervously twirling my hair, Conrad would be here soon and if I thought about it too much I fear I wouldnt make it a step out the front door, as I paced the lower level I couldn't help but pause by the open door leading to the beach. The sun was casting a warm, golden glow across the sand and water, painting a picturesque scene. The sounds of the waves lapping at the shore were soothing, a gentle reminder of the beauty of this place.

Jeremiah, who had been sitting on the porch steps, looked up and offered me a warm smile. "You look great, Len."

"Thanks, Jeremiah," I replied, my cheeks warming with a faint blush. "I'm a little nervous, to be honest."

He chuckled and stood up, moving closer to me. "You've got nothing to worry about, Lennox. Conrad is a great guy, and he really likes you."

"I hope you're right."

Before he could reply, I heard the familiar rumble of an approaching car. My heart skipped a beat as I turned to see Conrad's pulling up the driveway. Jeremiah patted my shoulder giving me on of his reassuring smile before he retreated back into the house.

Conrad parked the car, and as he stepped out, a wave of appreciation washed over me. He looked great in a casual outfit, a laid-back summer vibe that suited the occasion perfectly. He flashed me a charming grin as he made his way over.

"Hey," he said, reaching for my hand and giving it a gentle squeeze. "You look stunning, Nox."

"Thank you, Conrad." A soft warmth filled my chest at his compliment

"Shall we?" Conrad asked, offering me his arm.

"We shall." I smiled, a giggle escaping my lips as I looped my arm through his.

We shared a laugh, and for a moment, it felt like I had complete a puzzle, like everything I had ever wanted had fallen into place. As we walked toward the car, I couldn't help but think that maybe, just maybe, the end of summer didn't have to be the end of something beautiful. This chapter of my life, with Conrad by my side, was just beginning.

As I sat in the passenger seat of Conrad's car, I couldn't help but feel a sense of blissful anticipation. The anxiety and nervousness I had felt bwfore washed away the moment I laid my eyes on him, and now I was nothing but giddy. Conrad was driving, his hand resting casually on the wheel. The gentle hum of our shared playlist was the background to our conversations and laughter as we made our way down the road.

"You really do look stunning, Nox." He glanced over at me, his eyes warm and inviting

A blush warmed my cheeks, and I couldn't help but smile. "Thank you, Conrad. You clean up pretty nicely yourself."

He chuckled softly, a sound like a soft melody. "I do try, especially when I have such a beautiful date."

My heart fluttered at his words. The atmosphere inside the car was charged with a sweet and tender energy, and I couldn't have asked for a more perfect start to our evening.

Conrad reached over, his fingers interlacing with mine. His touch was soft, and reassuring,

"I hope you're as excited as I am about this evening."

I nodded, feeling my heart swell with warmth. "I am, Conrad. I really am."

It wasnt until the car came to a halt that I realized what the plan was for tonight, the boardwalk was looming, it was colorful and it was everything the boys had ever described.

"Oh my god, no way." I grinned, my eyes meeting his

"I figured you'd enjoy this." he smiled softly, "a real cousins summer experience."

"I can't believe you remembered." I reach for the handle, ready to get out and really begin our night but his grip on my hand holds strong "What wrong, con?"

"I just... I've known you for a long time, and I've always cherished our friendship." His gaze held mine, as he pulled my hand into his lap "and I don't know why it took you coming here this summer for me to get my head out of my ass but I'm falling for you, nox."

My heart pounded in my chest. It was as if the entire world had fallen silent, and there was just the two of us in the car, sharing this profound moment. Would it be corny to say I felt like Bella Swan? Like one of the girls from the big universe of Elle Kennedy? Maybe, it was because I had never experienced anything like this before, but for once in my life I truly felt seen, I truly felt what those girls I've always read about felt.

"Conrad, I've been falling for you too, piece by piece, moment by moment." I reached out and touched his cheek, my fingers brushing lightly against his skin "For far longer than you could even imagine,"

His eyes sparkled with joy, and he leaned in, capturing my lips in a soft and sweet kiss. It was a promise, a declaration, and an affirmation that what we had would not be ending tonight.

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