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I FELT nothing except complete and utter devastation as she turned her back to me.Her steps, small and hesitant, carried her back to the debutantes gathered for practice. The sound of her heels on the floor echoed in my ears, each step a painful reminder of what I had just ruined.

I stood there, rooted to the spot, watching her retreating form. A pit formed in my stomach as I replayed the scene in my mind, the hurt in her eyes etched into my memory. Every word, every plea, had fallen on deaf ears, and I was left alone with the echoes of my mistakes. I had let down the one person who had always been there for me.

I wanted to follow her, to plead with her to listen, to understand, but I couldn't. A part of me recognized that she needed space, that pushing her any further wouldn't help. The only thing I could cling to was the knowledge that this wasn't the end, that I couldn't let it be. She was my person, and I wasn't going to let her slip out of my life. I needed to find a way back to her, to rebuild what I had recklessly torn down. Lennox was worth fighting for, and if winning her back meant confronting the darkest corners of myself, I was ready to face that challenge.

Taking a deep breath, I turned away, my eyes lingering on the entrance to the debutant practice. I couldn't erase what had happened, but I could try to mend what was broken. As I walked away, the weight of my actions settled on my shoulders. The road to redemption felt daunting, but Lennox was worth every step.

ephemeral [ Conrad Fisher ]Where stories live. Discover now