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I woke in my bed, yet still tied up. I look around my room and by my bed there stood my battle armor. How do they expect me to get dressed tied up. Oh well. I grab a pocket knife that's on my bed board and break the ropes. To be honest I have knives everywhere. Mom has tied me up before, many many times. I have learned my lesson to always have a knife, literally everywhere.

I put on some undergarments then the chain shirt and pants. I button up the leather torso sleeveless top and snap on the breastplate. I Slap on the shoulder harnesses and buckle the neck part into place. Then i put on the metal cuffs. At the very end I buckle on an Armor strapped skirt with a leather overskirt. Then grabbed some leather boots. I brushed my hair and put it into a french braid.

I walk over to my crystal ball to check on Edmund and his family. I hope they trained a little more. "Show me the Pevensies." It was just Ed and Pete in the artillery tent. I put both hands on the crystal ball.

I thought to Edmund, 'Good Morning my King.' he jumped and looked around dropping his sword. Peter looked at him like he was crazy.

"What's wrong?" Peter asks.

"I heard Denali's voice, but she's obviously not here." he says looking away. Then he actually thought to me back.

'Denali? Is that you?'
'Yes it's me. Did you sleep well?'
'Yea, Did you?'
'More or less. I'm so sorry about Aslan.'
'How do you know about that?'
'I was there with Susan and Lucy'
'What do you mean?'
'Mother killed Aslan... for you.'
'But, why?'
'Because it's tradition and he died for you to stay alive and help lead the army.'
'Where are you?'
'Back in the castle, but I'm on my way to the camp. Listen, trust me, okay? I'm on your side.'

With that i turn off my crystal ball and head to the armor room. I grab my sheathed sword and wrapped it around my waist. I grabbed a couple of knives and put them in every hidden spot possible in my armor and then grabbed my bow and arrows and slanging them on my back.

I run to the stables to grab Ebony and I put on a black cape and put the hood over my head. "Let's go to the camp, girl." i say brushing her mane with my fingers. I pack some carrots and apples and snap her reins. "WOHO!"

We make it there in no time. The Sun just barely peeking through the horizon with all the purple and orange clouds, its gonna be a great day for a battle.

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