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We walk down the corridor of Cair Paravel. My stomach feels funny, I'm actually terrified. I really want to see Ed, and Peter, Susan, and Lu. I also want to see all their faces when they find out I'm still alive. My hand was in Annalise and I started to tremble, to shake and I swear my heart was going to jump out of chest and run away to find Edmund. "Are you alright?" she says stopping.

"I'm not. I can't do this." I turn back to my room running my hands through my hair. Anna pulls me back.

"C'mon I know you want to see him. All of them, just, why wait when we can just turn a corner to see them." she says looking at me bluntly. I sigh in defeat and she starts walking. I start walking but behind her, we were coming up to the corner and she turns it. Leaving me at the end peeking through the corner.

"Hello my Kings and Queens." she says smiling but stopping noticing that I'm not there. They all say their greeting. I peek and she was motioning for me to come towards her, a bit too frantic, I may add.

"Is there someone over there?" I hear Susan say. Then I hear foot steps. Please no. Don't come over here. I honestly don't know why I'm terrified to see them, probably because Narnia thinks I'm the enemy. Because I came into that war on my mother's side, yet coming out dead. I let out the smallest laugh and the footsteps stop, and I hear a gasp. My stomach churchs.

Anna sighs and comes over to me. "I think they know you're here." she says whispering. I sigh.

"Alright." Okay this is the moment. Alright. I'm doing this. Alright. Let's do this. Left foot. Right foot. Haha I completely forgot how to walk in the shortest time possible.

"Denali? I-is th-that y-y-you?" i hear the voice of a thousand angels sing. He turns the corner. I see tears coming from his big chocolate brown eyes.

I laugh, tears forming in my eyes as well. I start walking ever so slowly towards him, and he walks towards me too like I was a ghost.

"Edmund. It's me. I'm alive." I say laughing. I was going for a hug but instead he wraps his arms around my legs, below my bum. He picks me up and spins me. Then I feel the rest of the siblings hugging me all around. Then I start sobbing even harder. "You guys, I have missed you with all my heart. I'm so sorry I didn't come to you earlier, I wanted it to be a surprise." I say hugging all of them yet Edmund was still lifting me up.

Then they pull away and Edmund sets me down. But not long til his lips crash into mine. "Ugh, not again" Peter says im disgust. I laugh into his mouth while I feel his smile forming. Susan and Lucy both jumping in joy. He then sets me down again. Backs away and takes a good look at me.

"You look horrible."

"Well, you look even worse." i say smirking.

"Ohhohoho. I can do this all night, missy." he says waving his finger in front of my face.

"Mhhmm" i say smiling. Then they all form in a line in front of two HUMONGOUS red doors, just in time for the doors to open.

They were greeted by trumpets playing and a line of soldiers with their swords up. They stand with Aslan in the middle as they walk through the tunnel of swords. I lean against the side of the open door smiling. They stop before 4 thrones. Everyone turns to them. I sigh, but keep my eyes towards the coronation.

"To the glistening Eastern Sea, I give you Queen Lucy, the Valient." Aslan says. Lucy gasps in awe as she bows down for Mr. Tumnus to bestow to her a silver crown of flowers.

"To the great Eastern Wood, King Edmund, the Just." Edmund smiles brightly being bestowed a silver crown of leaves.

"To the radiant Southern Sun, Queen Susan, the Gentle." Susan bows down and beams as she is given a golden crown similar to Lucy's.

"And to the clear Northern Sky, I give you King Peter, the Magnificent." Peter smiles in joy as he is given a golden most biggest crown of all.

"But, there is one Queen that we are missing. Please Queen Denali, come inside." Aslan says. Woah what? Did he just call me a Queen? No way. I take a deep breath and shyly walk through the room hesitantly. I hear oooohs and aaahs.

I step onto the steps of thrones. "But Aslan, I don't deserve to be here, better yet a Queen of Narnia." He smiles.

"But you helped us more than you know, you may have killed many of our kind but I believe you always had the spirit to defeat your mother and her evil doings to join our side. That is why I'm making you Queen, we will also be needing you and your skills sooner or later." He explains. "Last but not least, from the brilliant Mountain tops that will forever look over Narnia, i give you Queen Denali, the Wonderous." I bow down as Mr. Tumnus sets on my head a Golden Crown that were made from mountains and blue parts for the top for the mountain tops.

"Thank you. I'm also very sorry Mr. Tumnus. I hope I didn't hurt you that much."

"Don't worry about it. If one of the gaurds came and took me they would've killed me, but you just safely knocked me unconcious." he laughs nervously.

I stand there awkwardly until Mr. Tumnus motions me to an empty Throne. I laugh. "Right."

"Once a King and Queen of Narnia. Always a King and Queen of Narnia." Aslan says turning to us.

"Long Live King Peter!
Long Live Queen Susan!
Long Live King Edmund!
Long Live Queen Lucy!
and Long Live Queen Denali!" Everyone cheers in unison.

I peer over to all of them and they're all smiling, Edmund looks at me and smiles even bigger.

I peer out the balcony as I watch Aslan walking in the beach. Then Lucy comes running to the balcony.

"Don't worry, We'll see him again." A voice says behind us.. Mr. Tumnus.

"When?" Lucy and I say in unison.

"In time." he says coming closer to us and giving us a hug. "One day he'll be here and the next he won't." he says. I walk away. Let them talk.

I just sit at the steps, like I always did with mother. Except I didn't have a knife sharpen a piece of wood. I was watching everyone dancing, drinking, having a good time and laughing with their friends. I wonder if they'll notice if I slip out. I stand up and weave my way to the entrance. "Where do you think you're going?"

I freeze in my tracks and I turn around. I wasn't surprised to see Edmund there looking at the ground leaning on a column. "N-No where." i say in that tone that drives him crazy.

"Oh really? It looks to me like you're leaving." He says looking up with a smirk plastered on his face.

"I'm just going to get a breath of fresh air."

"It's not like there's air in here."

I turn around and rolled my eyes. Whatever. But before I could take another step he grabs my arm and pulls me to him. He put his hand on my waist and grabs my other hand in his. "What are you d-"

"We're dancing, idiot." He says laughing.

"Hey! Don't 'idiot' me" i say mockingly. "We all know you're the idiot in this relationship."

"Oh so we're in a relationship now huh?" he says a smirk once again growing on his face. I finally go along and put my other hand on his shoulder. As he sways us to the rhythm of the song.

"Psshh. Please. We are NO WHERE near relationship." i spat. He laughs.

"You're so cute when you're in grumpy mode."

"I'll have you know King Edmund that this is the normal me."

He scrunched his face. "Oh well, guess I'll have to live with it."

But before I could say something back his lips once again crashed into mine. Why does this keep happening to me. But I couldn't keep this up, I responded. He lets our hands go and snakes it down to my waist pulling me closer to him. Then I set my hand on his shoulders as I let them dangle. He deepens our kiss when he heard hooting and hollering and I smile into his beautiful soft lips. This will never get old.

The Witch's DaughterWhere stories live. Discover now