Chapter 07

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This was bad — bad. Samuel hadn't seen a fire this big since he was deployed and that was an entire village. A distressed woman from the corporate office phoned in tears, reporting being stuck in a blazing building. The fire ignited due to a faulty inspection conducted by maintenance, leading to a chain reaction in the electrical breaker room that engulfed the entire area in flames. The call had come from the fourth floor, which meant the fire was growing fast.

Samuel and his team swiftly arrived at the building, fortunately allowing some workers to escape just in time. "Sir, six people are still reported inside the building," a woman in full gear informs Captain John." John looked at Samuel, he didn't say anything, he didn't need to really. People's lives are on  the line.

Each time Samuel embarked on a mission, a weight settled heavily on his heart, despite his efforts to conceal it. Captain John's barked commands echoed urgently, urging his team into action. Yet, before anyone could brave the inferno, a deafening creak shattered the tense air—the building was caving in itself.

Amidst the chaos, the firefighters worked seamlessly, a well-oiled machine of bravery. Samuel's experience and leadership guided the team through the intense heat and billowing smoke. With unwavering determination, they stormed into the burning building, their protective gear shielding them from the ashes.

The scene inside was harrowing – panicked cries echoed through the corridors as flames danced wildly. Samuel's crew moved swiftly, aiding trapped residents, and guiding them through the labyrinth of fire and smoke to safety.

Amidst the thick haze, Samuel caught sight of a woman, seemingly of Nalani's age, trapped by encroaching flames on one of the upper floors. Thoughts of Nalani flooded Samuel's mind. He imagined her in the kitchen right now, baking and humming while she stirred ingredients. But a haunting notion struck him—what if Nalani was caught in this blaze? The mere thought of her being harmed while he couldn't protect her was unbearable for him to contemplate.  He couldn't live with himself. Without a second thought, he charged ahead, navigating the treacherous path, urging the frightened woman to follow.

As the last employee staggered to safety, a sudden collapse sent debris crashing down, trapping Samuel within. For a tense moment, the world stood still. Was this the end? Samuel grappled with the grim reality that his time might be running out. The debris had struck him square in the face, drawing blood as it grazed his skin. Then, with strength and unity, his crew leaped into action, working tirelessly to free their friend.

Amidst the chaos, their unwavering determination prevailed. Samuel emerged, covered in soot but triumphant, his crew standing by his side, their unity unbroken.

As the sun peeked over the horizon, the once-raging inferno was subdued, its flames quelled by the relentless efforts of Samuel and his valiant team. The rescued employee, grateful beyond words, looked on with tears of gratitude.

Well past seven, the crew finally returned to the station. Samuel sat in the infirmary, allowing one nurse to tend to the wound on his face and another to inspect an unsuspected burn on his back when Nalani burst into the room, bustling with tears.

Soot covered Samuel's face, a sight that twisted her stomach into knots. Nalani rushed towards him, warm tears blurring her eyes as she ran to him. "Why're you crying?" Samuel grumbled, arms folded across his chest.

"I-I" the sound of her voice breaking made him jump into action. He immediately reached his arm out and she fell into them like a performed routine.

Samuel tenderly brushed away the tears from Nalani's eyes. "Use your words, love," he encouraged, his thumb tracing a path across her cheek.

"I saw it. I saw everything," Nalani's voice caught, revealing the depth of her distress. Nalani had explained that the local news had filmed everything. Samuel could only wonder what Nalani was thinking the entire time he was stuck under the rubble. It wasn't long but it was long enough to have Nalani in shambles.

"Can't you quit? I have a job — I can support both of us!" Nalani says through tears.

"No." Samuel's stern voice is felt through Nalani's spine. "I can take care of myself."


Samuel kept scolding Nalani while Captain John silently observed the entire exchange. Despite Samuel's claims of not caring for Nalani, his hand rubbing calm circles on her waist spoke otherwise. Samuel was wiping away her tears for god's sake! The sight was so sweet that it almost made him grimace.

Captain John observed Samuel, the typically surly firefighter, becoming unusually amiable whenever Nalani, the sweet baker, was around. He noticed Samuel's softened tone, lingering glances, and a subtle eagerness to help whenever Nalani needed assistance. John discerned the shift in Samuel's demeanor, from gruff and stoic to attentive and almost bashful in Nalani's presence.

Despite Samuel's attempts to hide it with his usual grumpiness, Captain John couldn't ignore the telltale signs of someone harboring affection. The way Samuel's eyes lit up when Nalani entered the room and the gentle smile that occasionally broke through his tough exterior hinted at an underlying fondness that Captain John suspected was blossoming into love.

"Maybe it's time they tied the knot," John mused silently. Just as he thought that Samuel caught Captain John staring at him. "What?" Samuel's brows furrowed in confusion.

John merely clicked his tongue. "Seems like you've got quite the sweet tooth, Mr. Foster."

A sweet tooth indeed.

✧˖°🌷📎⋆ ˚。⋆୨୧˚

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