Chapter 10

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Nalani was cooking when the power went out. She hasn't been to the bakery since she closed for the holiday. The weather these days had been getting progressively worse and it only made her nervous. Nalani wasn't afraid of the dark itself, but rather the fear of not being alone in it truly unsettled her.

In the dark, Nalani quickly turned off her stove and felt her way to her phone.

"Samuel," Nalani's voice quivered, "it's Nalani. I-l know this might sound silly, but... I'm scared. The power's out, and it's so dark in here. Could you come over? Just to keep me company?"

There was a brief pause before Samuel replied, his tone slightly softer. "Nalani, are you sure it's necessary? I mean, it's just a power outage."

Nalani bit her lip, summoning her courage. "I know it's silly, but I've always felt safe around you. Please, Samuel, I just need someone to be here with me."

After a moment of contemplation, Samuel finally agreed. "Alright, Nalani. I'll be there soon. Just hang tight."

Shortly after, Samuel knocked on Nalani's door, prompting her to rush over with a candle in hand to open it. "Hi, Samuel!" Nalani exclaimed breathlessly, swinging the door open. Samuel's gaze swiftly traveled down Nalani's body: she was dressed in pink polka-dotted pajama pants paired with white bunny slippers and an oversized t-shirt.

Nalani gasped as Samuel entered her darkened home. "Did you bring something for me?" Her joy increased steadily.

Samuel raised the bag, just out of Nalani's reach. "There's nothing for you... I only got a snack for myself," he claimed.

"You're lying, your ears are red!" Nalani exclaimed amidst giggles.
Before Samuel could counter Nalani had grabbed the bag and opened it to find . . . "DONUTS," Nalani took one out, "Th-these are my fav-favorites," She continued after taking a huge bite out of the jelly filled one.

With a flashlight in hand, Samuel wipes the corner of Nalani's mouth while she chews contentedly. "Don't speak with your mouth full, and try not to finish them all in one go," he advises.

As the night deepened and darkness enveloped them, Samuel and Nalani, particularly Nalani, agreed to watch a movie from her DVD collection.
"Most of these are Romance movies!" Samuel complained but of course she turned a blind eye. Samuel picked up one of the few action movies he'd seen and popped one into the portable CD player.

Samuel sat on Nalani's sofa in the dim light of a candle and a portable CD player. Nalani nestled herself between his arms, resting on his chest. To no one's surprise Samuel put up no fight.

It didn't take long for Nalani to fall asleep. The lull of his heart beat in her ears only made it harder to keep her eyes open. Samuel, having stayed awake to complete the movie, gently lifted Nalani and laid her down in her bed.

Samuel, feeling weary himself, decided to rest on the nearby sofa for a moment. His eyes were heavy, and exhaustion swept over him like a warm blanket. Just as he began to drift off to sleep, he felt a gentle touch on his arm.
Startled, Samuel opened his eyes to see Nalani standing before him, covered in her bed's soft blanket. Confusion flashed across his face as he wondered why she had woken up.

"I told you to go to bed," he whispered, his voice filled with a mix of concern and fatigue.
Nalani, still drowsy but smiling, climbed onto his lap and nestled against his chest. The warmth of her presence enveloped Samuel, and he couldn't help but find comfort in her closeness.

Despite his tiredness, a feeling of contentment washed over him, and he wrapped his arms around her gently.
"I like being with you," Nalani murmured, her voice barely audible. She yawned softly, her eyes growing heavier with each passing second.

Samuel, too exhausted to resist, allowed his head to rest against the back of the sofa. He closed his eyes once more, succumbing to the tranquil atmosphere that surrounded them.

"I see dead people," Nalani whispers into the dark space.
"Go. To. Sleep." Samuel says through gritted teeth and Nalani let out a soft chuckle.
Soon the rhythm of their breathing synchronized as they drifted off to sleep, finding solace in each other's presence.

When morning came, the gentle rays of sunlight filtering through the curtains woke them from their peaceful slumber. Nalani reluctantly untangled himself from Samuel, knowing he had to return to work she decided to cook him breakfast.

Standing outside Nalani's apartment door, Samuel found himself lingering, a sense of anticipation hanging in the air. His stomach was content from those fluffy pancakes, and after a pleasant, warm shower, he even smelled like vanilla and honey, for goodness' sake!

Leaning against the door frame, Nalani silently observed him. Still in her bunny slippers and polka dot pajama pants, her half-lidded eyes revealed her lingering drowsiness. Samuel sensed her sleepiness and couldn't bear the thought of leaving her—neither now nor ever. He longed to turn back time, finding himself back in her soft sofa, wrapped in her comforting embrace.

What was it he was waiting on again?

"You have to go to work Sam," Nalani places one of her tired hands on his shoulders. Wrapping her arms around his neck. "I'll see you when I come for lunch m'kay," All Samuel could do was nod. He was so in love. Nalani pressed a small kiss just missing his lips by an inch and then patted his chest goodbye.

Just as Nalani promised she was there during his lunch. But their time was cut short by the blaring alarms that signaled trouble. As Samuel jogged with the group outside to the truck Nalani followed behind.

Lost in their conversation, Nalani's hands moved on autopilot, mindlessly working on the helmet. Without realizing it, she was gently adjusting the straps, her fingers gliding over Samuel's roughened cheeks as she made small tweaks to ensure a comfortable fit in his uniform.

As Nalani's fingers brushed against Samuel's skin, a warmth spread across his face. He looked at her in surprise, his gruff exterior momentarily giving way to a flicker of vulnerability. Nalani, oblivious to the impact of her actions, continued her task with care.

Just as Nalani handed Samuel the last of the supplies, the other firefighters burst into laughter, catching them off guard. Samuel turned beet red, not accustomed to such attention. "What's so funny?" he grumbled, his voice betraying a hint of embarrassment.

One of the firefighters, James, playfully nudged Samuel. "Looks like our grumpy old Sam has finally found his soft spot. Who would've thought it would be our sweet baker Nalani? You two make quite the pair!"
Blushing even more, Samuel stammered, "It's not like that! We were just...talking!"

✧˖°🌷📎⋆ ˚。⋆୨୧˚
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