Chapter 08

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It was time for Nalani to make her habitual stop at the fire station, delivering her delectable goods to the hardworking heroes. Every time she went she hoped her gestures would catch Samuel's eye, but he remained indifferent, rarely reciprocating her kind gestures. But that never deterred her feelings for him.

Amidst Nalani's melodious inquiry, "Anyone hungry?" echoed through the station's kitchen, drawing joyful responses from everyone except one lone figure lingerie in the back corner—Samuel. Nalani had observed numerous details about Samuel, from the telltale flush of embarrassment coloring his ears to the occasional tender care he gave his right leg, which she presumed to be from a past injury, and even down to the slight indentation of a scar marking his left cheek.

This was something different. Stress lines etched his forehead, and frustration lingered in his voice as he barked orders at his colleagues. Ignoring the signs, Nalani approached with a bright smile, offering his favorite pastries and a kind word. "Sam, I brought your favorites today. I think I might've left them in the–"

"Not now, Nalani, I'm busy," Samuel says, facing his broad back towards her. Startled by his unexpected terseness, Nalani notices his stark change in behavior. "Oh, come on, Sam, I know it's your break. Why don't you relax," She retorts, a smile gradually returning to her face. Nalani reached out to touch his shoulder, but he swiftly jerked her hand away.

Samuel, overwhelmed and preoccupied, snapped sharply at her. "Not now, Nalani! Can't you see we're busy?"

"I just wanted–" She began, only to be cut off by Samuel's heated and annoyed tone."Why aren't you listening to me?" He interjected through gritted teeth."It feels like I'm constantly talking to a wall."

"You don't mean that," Nalani interjected.

"You don't know what I mean."

The sound of chewing and happy sighs was replaced by stark silence.

"I'm sorry," Nalani steps back, her eyes welling up. "I didn't mean to—" Blinking rapidly, she scans the room in embarrassment, fumbling with her purse. "I should leave." With a lopsided smile, Nalani passes Samuel and rushes out of the station, tears streaming down her face.

Observing the entire incident, Mike crossed his arms in disappointment. "That was pretty harsh, man," he remarked before leaving Samuel to contemplate the consequences of his own solitude.

As the day wore on,Samuel couldn't shake off the guilt gnawing at him. His gruff demeanor had wounded someone so kind and caring, and he regretted his brusque reaction deeply. Realizing his mistake,Samuel decided to make amends. Seeing the light drained out of Nalani pained him and it only made him feel worse to know he caused it.

Samuel spent the rest of his afternoon thinking of ways to make it up to Nalani. Strangely, he recalled a moment when they were together, and Nalani seemed upset as she observed a girl receiving flowers from her boyfriend. He merely scoffed, stating that ultimately, they would all die anyway.

Later that afternoon, Samuel dashed to Nalani's bakery, clutching a bouquet of vibrant flowers. Breathless, he stood at the counter waiting anxiously for her to appear. When Nalani emerged from the kitchen, her puffy eyes from crying, she was taken back to see Samuel standing there, looking contrite and holding flowers.

"I'm so sorry, Nalani," Samuel began, his voice lace with remorse. "I had no right to speak to you like that. It's been a long day, but that's no excuse. You're always so kind, and I was out of line. Please forgive me."

Nalani was surprised by Samuel's unexpected apology. Despite her hurt, she could see his sincerity. With a soft smile, she accepted the bouquet and replied, "Of course, Samuel. We have rough days. Thank you for apologizing."

Nalani leaned in before Samuel could find the words, planting a gentle kiss on his cheek. She then delicately arranged the flowers he brought in a beautiful vase, adding a touch of charm to her bakery.

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