~ Chapter 30 ~ Awaken.

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~ Neuvillette's Perspective ~

I woke up.. somewhere deep in the sea.. incredibly deep.. What's going on? Where's Wrio?

I around turned to see an otter looking at me.. however this otter wasn't small and cute like others. It looked like it had been alive for quite some time now.. making it wise..

" Where am I?" I asked it

" Your Dead Neuvillette." It replied

After this my body filled with shock and my eyes could show how much shock I was in.

" Don't be stunned now, your brought this upon yourself." It added

" Wh- What do you mean?"

" You knew Furina is a God and had strong power as well. but even after you knew this you continued to fight."

" I- I- But I'm a sovereign H- How did she kill me?" I asked sounding anxious

" Yes. You are a Sovereign but your yet to regain your full power.. meaning that a Powerful blow of any element from any God can kill you like it just killed you now."

I then started to think on how Wrio is.. he must be in so much pain.. I didn't even get to see him that afternoon..

" P- Please.. Let me go back. I beg of you." I pleaded

It simply shook its head and opted to swim away but I stopped it

" Please! I have a special person on that world.. please! H- he's the first person I've ever L- Loved.." I replied holding its arm

" Neuvillette.. I know. But I'm sorry there's nothing I can do. Your dead. And after a few hours this contact way will disappear and you will be Gone from this world."

" NO!" I shouted

It looked very stunned that I shouted and started to walk closer to me. Once it was close enough it put its hand on my shoulder. And spoke some words.

" I may not be able to re alive you again.. but I do have some words a Mortal had wanted to say to you." It explained

I almost gasped because what if it were Wrio?

" P- Please tell me the message at least. I'll be fine to die once I know the message." I pleaded

" Understood." It replied

" The Message is.. Neuvillette, Please can you return to us. We need you. Wriothesley needs you.. We all need you back here on Teyvat here in Fontaine! Your presence is a beacon of strength and love for Wriothesley, And Your connection is powerful, and he needs you now more than ever. The world is just brighter with you in it, so let the strength within you awaken. Your journey is not over yet Neuvillette. and the love you and Wriothesley share can overcome even the darkest moments, including this one. Neuvillette can you please awaken for us."

After I heard this I needed to wake up.. I can't die. I just can't It's too early.. a- and Wrio.. he needs me.. desperately.

" Those are the words.." It replied then tried to swim away

I stopped it once more from swimming away as it couldn't not yet it could not.

" Neuvillette.. I'm really sorry.. I never wanted this for you. But you have to accept the fact that you're dead and not returning to the world. You won't see Wriothesley again nor will he see you again. It's just the way the world works." It explained

My eyes were starting to tear up now because.. was this the end? Like the end end? Is this how it must all end. I die and Wrio lives a miserable life? Is this what the world wanted?

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