~ Chapter 37 ~ Who Knew Washing Dishes Could Be So Fun

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~ Neuvillette's Perspective ~

~* Knock Knock *~

That must be Wrio. I thought as I went to go and open the door.

I opened the door to find him standing in front of me looking very happy.

" Neuvi!!" He exclaimed immediately hugging me

" Evening Wrio." I said with a smile while in his embrace

" Apologies. Some matters in the Fortress took longer than usual."

" No worries Wrio, Im just glad you came." I replied

I then let him into my house and it looked like he was smelling something.

" Is something smelling odd Wrio?" I asked

" Odd? No ways! Im smelling some amazing aromas in your house Neuvi. Did you like buy food or something?" He asked

" N- No.. I didn't know you wanted food from the Cafe.. I um.. made dinner myself if that's alright..?" I replied sounding a bit embarrassed

" Neuvi, You cooked for me!" He exclaimed with a bright smile

I nodded lightly and had a faint smile on my face. And then was tugged into his embrace.

" I do not need food from a Cafe if my Ludex cooked for me." He spoke kissing me on the forehead

I blushed a little at this response but crept out of his embrace to ask if he was hungry.

" Wrio are you hungry?"

" Yeah." He replied

A smile than appeared on my face. As he could try the food I made.

" Let me bring us plates!" I exclaimed

~ Wriothesley's Perspective ~

As Neuvillette went to go get us plates of food I just sat on the dining table admiring my Neuvi. The way his hair swayed as he moved.. He is so Magical.. I then started to see him walk back with two plates of food.

" Here." He said softly handing me a plate of food

" Thank you Neuvi." I replied kissing his cheek

He then put his food down and sat next to me.

" Well by all means.. Bon appetit." He spoke with a smile

I just chuckled in response and began to try the food. As I took my first bite I'd swear this food is from a restaurant. Archons! Neuvillette can really cook.

" Do you like it?" He asked

" Like it? I love it Neuvi! I never knew you had such a skill."

" Cooking is a skill you need for basic survival, it's. Crucial to know how to cook in life Wrio." He explained

" Yes Yes Neuvi of course." I replied

He just chuckled and began to eat his food.

" How was work today Wrio?" He asked.

"Ah- Same old same old. Just you should really send someone to come check on this one pipe." I replied.

" Undertstood. Which pipe?"

" It's by the Production Zone. It gives me grief every morning." I replied

" I will have it fixed by as of tomorrow." He spoke smiling

" Thanks Neuvi. You're amazing!" I exclaimed with a smile

" How was your day?" I asked

" Normal as well." He replied

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