~ Chapter 53 ~ Morax Is Really The Problem.

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~ Wriothesley's Perspective ~

I woke up and Neuvillette was still next to me sleeping. He looked so cute when sleeping!

I leaned in and kissed his nose waking him up.

" H- Huh. Wrio?" He spoke his eyes fluttering open

" Morning." I spoke with a smile

" Morning Wrio." Neuvillette replied also smiling

" Last night was rather interesting.." he muttered

" Oh it sure was." I spoke smirking

I then started to get out of bed and stand up. But while I did so I caught site of my phone buzzing.

I picked it up and looked who was trying to talk to me.

" Huh- 78 NEW MESSAGES!?" I yelled in shock

" Is something the matter Wrio?" Neuvillette asked sounding worried

" N- Not really just someone sent me 78 messages, and it's not normal that I get that many messages sent.. wait.. tell me Neuvillette what time is it."

Neuvillette never looked at a clock or watch but just simply gazed at the window then spoke

" it's 10:23 AM Wrio." He spoke

Shit. Neuvillette and I have to board the boat to Monstadt.. Colette must be so mad that we're late.

But I still haven't even told him about the trip.. you know what. I'll just say we're going somewhere and hope to Celestia he trusts me.

" Neuvi?" I called

" Yes?" He replied sitting on the bed

" How fast can you pack a bag dear?"

" I could use my powers to do so quickly, if you wanted..?" He suggested

" That would be delightful."

" Might I ask why?" He asked

" Do you trust me?"

" Well of course I do Wrio." He replied

"Then there's no need for questions. Just pack a bag as quickly as you can."

He gave me a very questionable look but did as I asked.

I then proceeded to leave the room and call Colette.

" W- Where you going?" Neuvillette asked

" Just a quick phone call love, promise I'll be quick." I replied smiling

He then nodded and I left his room.

~* Ring Ring *~

" Oh my archons! How long do you and Neuvillette sleep for!" Colette shouted on the call

" H- Heyy Colette.. we're on route now. Heh-." I replied m

" Wriothesley what did you do." Colette asked sounding a bit stern

" I- Uh- didn't tell Neuvillette about the vacation to Monstadt."

" Wriothesley you did what!? You had a whole Afternoon and Evening too!" She shouted

" We're were uh-."

" We were busy with work regarding Fontaine." Neuvillette spoke sternly

" Oh yes of course. Sorry Monsieur for assuming you both weren't being productive." Colette spoke quickly

" No worries Mademoiselle Colette." Neuvillette replied

He then paced before me walking to the kitchen.

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