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"Ruhani Ahuja"

She was called for the fifth time now when she finally snapped out of her thoughts. It was Miss Oberoi calling her name in the class.

"Yes..Yes Ma'am"

"Your assignment?" Miss Oberoi demanded

"Ass-ass-Assign-ment??" she stuttered


She went down her memory lane and recalled what happened yesterday. How she left Appu and her meal midthrough and ran back home when her dad had called earlier. How her conversation with her Dad went which was more of an argument. It was always like that. Her relationship with her Dad wasn't normal. Her Dad wasn't normal. He never used to call or think about his daughter but whenever he did,Ruhani knew it had to be something .....

Well Miss Oberoi had nothing to do with her or her family problems and she was staring at her waiting for a response.

"I haven't done it ma'am..I apologize" she answered

"And the reason for that is–" she arched her eyebrow

"I forgot" she lied. She didn't forget. She remembered more than anything or anyone else that she had to submit her assignment. But yesterday her family had some other plans for her.

Miss oberoi sighed. "I believe you must have brought your prose text,right?"

"I forgot that as well" she lied again

"And the literary review?"

"That as well"

"Then what the hell are you doing here?GET OUT OF MY CLASS..I don't want Dimwit children in my batch"

Seemed like it was Ruhani alone in the class of 50 children who didn't submit her assignment cause OBVIOUSLY everyone wanted to be in MISS HOTTIE'S good books.

Ruhani moved her head down,eyes on the floor and started walking out of the class when she heard a voice.

"Ma'am..Ma'am I didn't do my assignment as well..and the prose text..I haven't brought it..and the literary review..I didn't do any of those things" Arpita nearly screamed from her bench.

WHAT THE HELL..she literally had all the stuff..why is she lying?

"Arpita you literally submitted your assignment five minutes ago" Miss Oberoi frowned her eyebrows..

"Me? I did? No Ma' must have been any other Arpita"

"You are the only Arpita in our class,Bacche" She said calmly

" I must have done it by mistake" Arpita countered

"You submitted your assignment by mistake??" She asked confusedly now

"Yes m'am,at the end of the day we all are humans..and humans do make mistake"

"WHATT-" Miss Oberoi tried to speak but she was rather cut again

"And Ma'am I don't want you to think low of Ruhani...Actually she has a reason that she can't tell you..but I want you to know that she is a very diligent and Persipicasjsh..."

"Persipicacious" Miss Oberoi corrected her

"Ya that..that child" Arpita continued

WHERE DID SHE EVEN LEARNED THAT WORD FROM?..Must have googled it while texting her crush

"And what is that reason?" Miss Oberoi asked eyeing Ruhani now

"I–" Ruhani struggled to make up a lie on the spot..she wasn't even sure of what was happening right now

"DIARRHEA..She had Diarrhea..she often forget things..So I'm telling you on her behalf" Arpita answered laughing awkwardly

WHAT???????.....Ruhani's eyes became wide and she literally wanted to kill the blonde girl just kill..she wanted to make her agonize AND KILL

Ruhani's face was red with embarrassment when Miss oberoi continued "So,you are telling me she forgot about her own diarrhea...and due to the infection in her STOMACH" she emphasised on the word 'stomach' "She couldn't do a written assignment"

Ruhani continued this time "Yes Ma'am..I had stomach has strictly in..instructed me to not eat junk food..Due to the my stomach..stomach sent a message to my mind..and mind told hands that if they..if they will work then the body will become more tired and it will cause..uhm..more pain in the ..I didn't do the assignment"

Whole class was in splits right now. Ruhani spotted a small smile on Miss Oberoi's face that she hid rather quickly. Their professor sighed as if she gave up on the girls in front of her.

"What do you two want?" she asked with a hand on top of her head, sitting on the nearby desk. She didn't signed up for this when she became a teacher.

"Ma'am Can I plss get out with her?" Arpita pleaded

"PLEASE DO" she sighed as she felt all the energy leaving her body..This was her first class of the day..How was she supposed to get through the whole day..

UNETHICAL (Teacher×student) (Indian Sapphic romance)Where stories live. Discover now