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You slumped back in your chair, letting out a sigh of relief now that you'd finally finished the mechanism Lyney had ordered that morning. With the exception of a few breaks to talk with other clients, you'd been working on it nonstop all day. After all, you'd promised him it would be nearly done, if not completely finished, by tomorrow, and you intended to keep your word. Plus, once you started working on something, it was hard for you to pull yourself away from it unless you absolutely needed to stop.

And with no other projects having as immediate of a deadline as this one, you'd managed to plow through and get it all done in one day.

Now you sat back up, glancing at the clock on the wall that you'd pieced together from some scrap metal you had left over after one of your projects. It was the middle of the night, which didn't exactly surprise you, but now that you were done with the mechanism, it seemed that the feeling of exhaustion was finally beginning to hit you.

Your cup of coffee had run out hours ago, but thanks to the caffeine, you'd managed to get a lot done. Though, it felt like it might be working against you now that you were starting to crash from it.

Stretching your arms, which were already beginning to get sore from all the work you'd been doing, you pushed yourself off the chair, standing up and picking up the mechanism. The actual mechanical parts of the magic trick were fairly small, meaning they'd be even easier to hide on whatever set the twins used. Grabbing each of the parts, you brought them over to the table at the other end of the room, where many other finished projects were already resting.

Since it was so late at night now, the only sounds that could be heard were the chattering of a group of people outside and your own footsteps against the concrete floors of the room. Though your left leg was made entirely of brassy metal, even it made no more sound than your other one did. You'd worked for months to get its design just the way you wanted, and now you were thankful you'd done so, otherwise you may have woken up the people living in the houses near your workshop.

Pulling off the gloves you always wore when working, you wiped a bead of sweat from your forehead now before going about closing the shop for the night. Once you'd gathered all the metals and materials you'd used today, you stuffed them into another box on one of your workshop shelves for safekeeping.

Then you moved back over to your desk, where your leather toolbox still sat opened with items strewn everywhere. Safe to say, you weren't exactly good about cleaning as you went when it came to your inventing work.

"Maybe I should hire an assistant," You whispered to yourself before sighing and picking up the various tools laying across your desk. Though, getting an assistant would also mean training someone new, since even if they had experience with mechanics before, they certainly wouldn't be used to your ways of doing things. And with how busy you already were, you didn't think you had the patience to do something like that.

Not to mention, even you could admit that you weren't the easiest person to work with. Your inventions meant a lot to you and you never enjoyed working on them with others. you were like a confident chef in their kitchen; having more people inside only made things worse.

Suddenly, your ears picked up on the sound of a creak behind you, and you turned to check if anyone was there. Of course, the entire workshop was empty when you looked, and there was no one in the doorway either.

You would have written it off as you just hearing things, but somehow you had a feeling that wasn't true. You knew what you'd heard, and it sounded like someone had been right behind you. If there really was another person inside your workshop though, you knew they probably wouldn't reveal themselves so easily, and so you turned back to your toolbox as if you suspected nothing.

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