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You guided the submarine deeper into the water, with Freminet instructing you on exactly where to go and what to look for. Your stomach fluttered with nerves, considering you'd rarely ever gone so deep underwater before, aside from for the purpose of testing your dive suits, but you tried not to let it show on your face.

"About how far was the base when you found it?" You finally asked, glancing over at the blonde boy.

"Only a few meters deeper," he replied, "then head east from here." You nodded, guiding the sub in the direction he'd told you to.

"And what exactly will it look like?" You questioned now, remembering you'd never seen the place before.

"The building is similar to that of the Fortress of Meropide, but smaller and white in color," he explained, "There were also many lights on it, which was how I was able to find it as easily as I did."

"Alright," you told him, trying to ignore the fact that there was no solid proof this place was actually where the kidnappers were hiding out, aside from the fact that you were fairly sure their base was underwater somewhere. "Just keep directing me until we get there. Then, I'll send you out in a dive suit to investigate the building up close. We'll figure things out from there." Freminet gave a soft smile.

"Right, we shouldn't be more than a few minutes away by now."

Meanwhile, in the two back seats, Lyney was resting with his arms crossed as he stared out the window to his right. Something about the sight of the sea passing by helped calm him, though that wasn't his main goal, so much as to avoid the awkwardness that would come with talking to you. In fact, he wasn't even sure if you wanted him to do so, after what he'd said earlier.

Lynette read him like a book though; reaching over and tapping him on the shoulder to get his attention. Reluctantly, he glanced back at her with a raised eyebrow, as if to silently ask what she wanted.

"You should apologize to them," she whispered so quietly that he almost couldn't hear it over the sounds of the engine running combined with you and Freminet talking.

"I know..." He whispered back, rubbing the nape of his neck.

"What you said to them earlier was uncalled for," his sister continued, as if adding salt to the already open wound, "Y/n has only ever been helpful and kind to us, you know."

"I know!" He quietly shot back, stealing a quick look in your direction. Luckily, you seemed too preoccupied with driving the submarine and talking with Freminet to notice it. "But right now isn't the time for that; we have an important assignment to focus on." Lynette narrowed her eyes at him in disapproval but he quickly continued before she could reply. "I'll talk to them when I get the chance to later," he assured her, "I promise. Trust me; I feel as guilty as you do about what happened."

Finally, the girl with the cat ears sighed, then looked back up at him with a mischievous expression. "Good," she replied simply, "Because even I've noticed the way you've been looking at them." She crossed her arms, shifting her own gaze towards the outer windows as his cheeks turned slightly red.

He glanced back to you to make sure you hadn't heard that, and luckily, it seemed you hadn't.

"I really can't hide anything from you, can I, Lynette?" He said with a sigh as she shook her head.

"You can't." That knowledge made the magician wonder whether Freminet was aware of his feelings too, and if you'd caught on yet or not. Though, he assumed the latter wasn't true, considering what he'd done earlier.

Suddenly, all the lights in the submarine shut off as it whirred to a complete stop, hovering in the water as if it were frozen in time. Both the twins turned to look at you, whose jaw was clenched as you held the steering wheel tightly. Freminet was silent too; the both of you staring out the front window.

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