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A/n: Final chapter! After this we just have the epilogue so prepare to get some answers about everything!


"Come along, Voltaris." Sandrone called out to the small child behind her, who hurriedly picked up the pace to catch up with her. They were leaving Fontaine now after a successful meeting with the members of the House of the Hearth, who'd gotten along well enough with her little protégé.

"Sorry, Miss Sandrone." The small boy replied as he finally reached the woman's side. She didn't reply; just kept her eyes forward as they headed over to the train.

"You must learn to listen to me better," she told him with a sigh, "Ignoring my orders can put you in a dangerous situation." He nodded quickly; afraid that if he didn't obey, she would just cast him away.

After all, he needed her mentorship. That was why he'd begged her to take him on as a student in the first place, and after seeing the little bit of mechanical prowess he did seem to possess, she finally agreed.

The two of them climbed into the train now, where Sandrone nodded at the car attendant in greeting. She'd left behind her huge automation this time; knowing it would be too bulky and awkward to bring on the trip with them.

"How did you like meeting with Arlecchino and her children?" The brown haired woman asked once they had been situated in a room away from everyone else, as usual. A smile was evident on her face, but something told the boy that if he didn't say anything positive, he would be in huge trouble.

"It was wonderful," he replied with an equally fake smile, "Lyney, Lynette, and Freminet were very pleasant." He'd picked up on the tones the adults in his family often used to speak with one another, making him sound somewhat like an old nobleman when he talked, but it seemed to please the harbinger because she relaxed back into her seat and nodded.

"I'm sure," she replied, "Though, they are all a bit younger than you, aren't they?" The boy nodded. "Well, anyway," Sandrone continued, "We should be at the worksite at the edge of Fontaine soon, where we can use the new supplies gained from our allies at the House of the Hearth to finish that device we were working on."

"Right, Miss Sandrone." The boy nodded, though he was a little nervous about working any more on the project. So far, it had proven to be very difficult for someone at his skill level, and he feared what she might do to him if he messed anything up.

The rest of the train ride was spent in silence before it finally came to a stop on the outskirts of Fontaine. There, he and Sandrone got out and headed down to their temporary workshop area by the beach.

She set her things down and alerted the skirmishers under her orders of their return before finally turning back to her protégé with an eerie smile.

"Why don't you go finish up that project now?" She suggested in a tone that made it sound much more like an order than anything else. She handed him the bag of their new supplies and he nodded, quickly rushing over to the workbench they'd set up to finish his assigned task.

They were supposed to be crafting a small bomb to use against a particularly uncooperative group of people that had gotten on Sandrone's bad side, but he'd been struggling with its creation a lot. When it came to making something like this, one had to be extremely careful and delicate. If he made any wrong move, it could literally blow up in his face over even kill him. SO even while he worked now, he did his best to steady his breathing and his shaky hands so as to not mess up.

He worked on that bomb for several hours before he was finally almost done. There was just one last touch left now; but just as he would about to place it, a clockwork mecha seemingly appeared out of nowhere and attacked him, causing him to mess things up. A second later, the bomb exploded in both their faces, knocking them back against the ground. The mecha disintegrated and only he was left behind with soot all over his face.

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