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"Y/n!" A familiar voice called; the sound startling you out of the light state of sleep you'd been in while still laying in the dumpster. Blinking a few times, you almost couldn't remember what you were doing inside a trash can at first, but then after a second it all came back to you; right, you'd been hiding from your attackers.

Through the cracks of the dumpster though, you could see that it was morning now and you pushed yourself up to a seated position, your back burning in protest from the uncomfortable way you'd been laying all night long. Your neck was sore too from the horrible excuse you'd had for a pillow, but you were just happy to not have been found by those four men the whole time.

"Y/n!" The voice from earlier called out again, and you now recognized it as Lynette's. Why was she looking for you?

Not wanting to be in the trash can any longer, you pushed the lid up and stood now as the bright sun seemed to attack your eyes. Squinting, you grabbed your taser and toolbox from the bottom of the empty dumpster before swinging your leg over the side and stepping out. You'd been lucky that no one had come out to throw away their trash the whole time you were in there, or it would have been an even more unpleasant stay than it already was.

Stumbling slightly from your sore limbs, you looked up to see Lynette walk in front of your alleyway now. Though, she almost seemed to be able to tell that you were looking at her, because she then turned her head to see you; a relieved expression crossing her face.

"Y/n, are you alright?" She asked, eyeing the open dumpster behind you. You nodded, turning away from it awkwardly as you clutched your toolbox in your hand.

"I'm fine." You replied casually, "Were you looking for me?" She nodded.

"Lyney, Freminet, and I came by the workshop this morning but it looked like it had been ransacked," she explained, "And when you weren't there, we worried something may have happened to you."

"Yeah, something did..." You admitted sheepishly, "But it should be safe now that it's daytime." You went over to the entrance of the alley now, stopping when you were right in front of her. "By the way, can we agree to never speak of this?" You asked, referring to how she'd found you practically climbing out of a trash can. Lynette nodded, and suddenly, you were thankful that she had been the one to find you, out of the three siblings.

You turned, heading down the street towards your workshop now as she followed. You weren't sure where her brothers were, considering you couldn't see or hear them anywhere nearby right now, but they weren't exactly your top priority, either.

Finally, you reached the shop, turning into it as your eyes widened at the sight. Lynette hadn't been kidding earlier; it was completely trashed.

"Damnit..." You whispered under your breath as you looked over the mess.

"What happened?" The girl asked as you sighed.

"A group of people broke in last night," you explained, "They attacked me, broke a few things, and probably stole a few others. I don't know what they wanted, though." Based on her expression though, you suspected that she did. She turned away now, heading for the door.

"I'll go get Lyney and Freminet, and tell them I found you," she said, stepping outside, "I'll be right back." You just nodded, kneeling to inspect all the damage. Since it was daytime now, you felt a little safer being left on your own, but even still, you continued to hold onto your taser.

Those men had knocked down a few of your shelves, probably setting off more of your smoke bombs in the process and leaving only one still intact.

Glaring at the floor, you stood up and made your way over to the table where your completed works rested to check the damage there. Surprisingly, not many things had been destroyed.

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