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You pushed off the edge of your submarine, throwing yourself forwards into the water. Unlike Freminet, you weren't situated on the ocean floor and couldn't walk around like he'd been doing since you weren't in a full dive suit. Though, you were thankful for that now, considering the lack of extra metal on you would make it easier for you to get to him quickly to help.

Now you were extra glad for how well you'd made your left leg as you swam towards him as fast as you could. The materials you'd used wouldn't rust, and since you'd made it with the intention of it mimicking your other leg, it was able propel you through the water just as well.

You heard the intercom switch on in your diving helmet now; slight static coming through from the other end. It seemed Lyney and Lynette had been paying attention when you taught them about the submarine earlier, and now you had to admit that you were a little thankful you'd done so. Knowing you could communicate with them again, you called back through the small mic.

"I only have about ten minutes of air in my helmet with this usage level," you told them as calmly as you could, despite the situation. Since you only had the helmet, it wouldn't hold nearly as much air as Freminet's suit could, and with how hard you were already breathing, you knew you wouldn't last long at all.

"I need you both to be ready to let us in when I get back with Freminet," you continued explaining, knowing you'd probably end up cutting it close as far as oxygen usage. Ordinarily, you never would have risked it, but this was an emergency.

"Understood," Lynette's voice came back over the intercom, and she pressed a button to submerge the entrance way of the submarine in preparation for your return. Once you and Freminet both swam inside, she would then drain it and let you in through the internal door safely.

Meanwhile, Lyney tapped back into the video kamera feed, just like you'd shown him how to do earlier. Turning it around, he angled it so that its view was focused on you, Freminet, and the area around you both to make sure no more attack submarines were nearby. Luckily, it didn't seem as if they'd been alerted of your presences yet.

He was still panicked, which was why Lynette was the one communicating with you, but since you seemed so collected, he tried to force himself to do the same.

He knew you'd created these dive suits and submarines, and as such, you'd tested each of them numerous times. You were skilled when it came to your inventions, so even though you weren't necessarily a diver, he knew you were still the best person to send out for Freminet. On the other hand, he and Lynette had next to no training in deep waters like this, beyond the few times Freminet had convinced them to go snorkeling with them. If they went out to try and help now, they would likely only make things worse for you and slow you down.

So as much as he didn't want to sit and wait here like this, he knew it was for the best, keeping his gaze focused on the kamera feed.

Outside, you continued sprinting through the water towards Freminet, who was still doing his best to run from the quickly-approaching attack sub. Luckily, it hadn't noticed the submarine where Lyney and Lynette were waiting since you'd kept all the lights off and been sure to park it in a more hidden spot earlier.

Seeing Freminet not far from you now, you called out to him over the intercom, which was also projected through your own submarine.

"Freminet, turn your lights off!" You ordered, continuing to swim towards him. He immediately did as you said, flipping the lights on his dive suit off so he would be harder to spot in the water. It did little to help though, considering the attack submarine continued chasing after him anyway. Plus, it had its own lights that were trained on him anyway.

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