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You watched as the Oratrice at the front of the room began coming to a conclusion on the case; your breath hitching in your throat as it happened.

Lyney, Lynette, and Freminet all waited in the audience after having provided their witness statements, so now all that was left was the final declaration, and you would finally know whether Bastien's plan to frame you had worked or not.

Finally, the verdict was reached, and Monsieur Neuvillette looked it over before turning back to the crowd of people in the Opera House. Since this case had gone on for so long and involved the families of so many kids, the room was packed to the brim with Fontaine's eager citizens wanting to know the final verdict of the case.

"Once again, both myself and the Oratrice have come to the same conclusion," the white-haired man's voice boomed through the building, and you held your breath, "Monsieur Bastien has been found guilty, and will be held accountable for the kidnappings of all children found in the train, as well as the attempted murder of them and Y/n."

A smile spread across your face as Bast was apprehended at the other side of the courtroom; making direct eye contact with you even while the officers were dragging him away.

You sent him a look that said 'I win' before you finally tuned back into reality; hearing the sound of clapping all around you. Even the hydro Archon, who was watching from her place in the theatre higher up, nodded to you approvingly. On the stage, Neuvillette glanced in your direction to dismiss you, so you took that as your cue to leave.

Though, before leaving, you stopped to thank the woman who had served to represent you in this case. "Navia," you grinned, "Thank you for everything."

"Of course," she replied with a gentle smile before pulling you into a brief hug, "Many of the children that were kidnapped came from Poisson, and knowing you were innocent, I was honored to represent you." Once she pulled away, someone nearby called out to her, and she glanced back at them before turning to you. "I'll see you soon." She said softly.

"Right," you nodded, "I look forward to helping you with that cannon project you had in mind." This made her smile widen even more and she quickly nodded before turning to head over to the two men in suits that were waiting.

You'd only met the blonde woman after saving the kids from Bastien, but the two of you had immediately gotten along well, and you foresaw yourself working on many projects with her in the future.

Stepping off the trial balcony now, you began making your way towards the front of entrance of the Opera House, only for your ears to pick up on the sound of the crowd coming closer now. Sighing, you knew there would be no avoiding them as they finally approached with kameras and notepads at the ready. And of course, the pink haired girl you'd come to so dread running into was at the very front of it all.

"Y/n, Y/n, over here!" Charlotte waved to you as you came forward. You had to; there was no other way to get to the exit from where you were right now. Essentially, you would be stuck answering her questions.

Kamera flashes overwhelmed your vision as she pulled you into the horde of people. Immediately, you were bombarded with questions from all over, and your sensitive ears could hardly take it.

Having enhanced hearing was both a blessing and a curse, you supposed.

"Y/n, is it true that you used to be a part of the Fatui?"

"How did you end up involved with the missing children?"

"Was Bastien your companion while he was in the Fatui, too?"

"Are you and Monsieur Norbert really lovers? How tragic!"

"Will your aqua bus inventions really be replacing Fontaine's railroad system due to their benefits?"

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