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A/n: CW for this chapter! Slightly more gore than usual. I will put another CW before and after those descriptions as well.


You wiped a small bead of sweat from your forehead, hearing Lyney snoring ever so slightly by your side. He'd fallen asleep with his head resting on the table a few hours ago, and you hadn't had the heart to wake him, even if it meant you'd be doing all the work on the submarine by yourself.

In fact, you had to admit that things had gotten done much quicker once he wasn't helping you anymore. It had been nice in premise, but it turned out that when it came to your inventions, you did much better making them alone. Still, you appreciated that he'd tried to help.

You couldn't hold back the yawn that escaped your mouth now, shaking your head slightly to wake your mind back up. You'd been at this all night; only taking one short break to take an hour long night when the magician at your side had insisted on it. He'd continued working on the submarine while you slept, and then when you woke up, you'd been pleasantly surprised that it wasn't a complete disaster. You knew Lyney had some amount of experience making things like this for his and Lynette's shows before, but it still wasn't quite how you'd wanted so you'd had to fix a few things.

"I'm back!" Freminet called now as he came through the door, his diving helmet resting on his hip. Lyney woke with a start next to you, causing you to chuckle as you slid back under the submarine that was currently propped up in your workshop. You only needed to perfect a few more things now, and then it would be ready to scope out the ocean for the base where the kidnapped children were being kept.

"Oh, Freminet." The magician greeted with a yawn, quickly sitting up straight to seem like he hadn't just been dead asleep. "Welcome back. Did you find anything?" The blonde body nodded, leaning over to see what you were working on out of curiosity.

"I found the location of the kidnappers' underwater base." He replied triumphantly, making your eyes widen as you slid out from under the submarine now.

"Really?" You asked with a smile as he nodded.

"Yes, but it's pretty deep in the ocean." He replied, "It's also about as far from the Fortress of Meropide as could be; probably because they wanted to avoid accidentally having anyone find them."

"I see." Lyney replied thoughtfully before Freminet continued.

"It was located too deep underwater for me to dive all the way down and investigate it further, though." He admitted with a sigh, "I don't think I would have had enough air to make it all the way to the bottom, look around, and still get back to the surface safely, so if we're going to investigate further, we might need another plan."

You glanced at the magician beside you with a smirk, knowing he hadn't yet informed his siblings of what you two were working on.

"Well, then it's a good thing I've been building this submarine for that very reason." You told Freminet with a grin, "I just need to finish a few last things, and then she'll be ready to take us down to the underwater base."

"You did all that in one night?" Freminet asked with awe, "You're amazing, Y/n!" You grinned, resisting the urge to flip your h/c hair triumphantly as Lyney cleared his throat.

"I helped too," he added quietly as you just rolled your eyes.

"Lyney was here for moral support, I guess." You said, making the magician feign offense, "But anyway, it should be able to seat everyone safely and comfortably. There's an entrance hatch you'll enjoy when you're diving down there, Freminet." You went over to the back of the submarine now, beginning your last few adjustments. "Oh, and I threw three extra dive suits in there, too."

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