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Your eyes wandered across the pretty scenery of the morning as you made your way out of the Court of Fontaine and towards the western beaches nearby. In one hand, you held a map Lyney had marked for you with the location of your submarine, and in the other was your toolbox.

Though you had a goal in mind when coming out here, getting to traverse the terrain of the hydro nation with your newly built leg was also a significant plus. So far, it was holding up just as well as the previous one would have and you were very pleased with the results you'd brought in just a day's worth of work.

Movement got a little more difficult when you reached the sand, but once you adjusted to that feeling, even it didn't prove to be an issue. This made you more confident about being able to reach your submarine in that underwater cave, too. After all, your metal leg was also made to allow you to easily swim and not worry about it ever rusting.

As you made your way across the lengthy beach, your mind wandered to the thought of Lyney and Lynette. They were currently at the Norbert estate rehearsing for the masquerade party tomorrow, and you hoped it was going well. You also hoped that if Bastien was actually present in the home, he and Lyney hadn't already started a conflict. Though, with Lynette there to help keep her brother calm, you probably had nothing to be concerned about, even with the tense relationship between the magician and the nobleman.

Freminet was preparing for tomorrow's plan elsewhere as well, which had left you with plenty of time to look into a few things on your own. You'd told the siblings you'd be going out to buy formal attire for the party, but you hadn't mentioned the task you planned to perform before that because you knew they would have objected.

Finally, you reached the spot you'd been looking for now and stopped at the edge of the water on the beach, folding up the map Lyney had given you and opening your toolbox. It had watertight storage capabilities, which often came in handy for expeditions like this one, and you placed the map inside before reaching in to grab the small diving helmet you'd packed as well.

It was times like this when you were actually thankful for the training you'd been provided by the Marionette way back when. As a child, she'd never let you bring any toys or ways to entertain yourself when the two of you had gone on trips; claiming they would only take up too much space in your bag. You knew now that it was probably just because she didn't want you acting too much like a normal kid when you were supposed to be her protégé. But over time, the rule had made you learn ways of storing items within you luggage without them taking up too much space or being noticeable, and today you'd used that skill to sneak the helmet out with you to the beach.

Your heartrate rose slightly as you fitted it over your head now; remembering the last time you'd done a dive just recently. Still, you forced yourself to place it over your skull and strap it on properly before taking a step forward into the water. The waves were cool against your thing shoe and after making sure your toolbox was sealed one last time, you waded out further until your feet could no longer touch the sandy floor.

Then you drew in a breath, forcing yourself underwater and towards where the hidden cave was supposed to be. Lyney had told you it was just a few meters below this spot on the beach and was completely submerged. Luckily, within a minute or so, you were able to find it.

You could see the glint of light hitting metal from inside, which confirmed that this was indeed where your sub was being stored. So, you made your way towards it.

Despite the bad memories you now had with the machine, it didn't stop you from going right back to it now; not when you had a plan in mind. Once you reached the external door at the back, you pressed the button outside that opened it, albeit slower than if someone inside had operated it.

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