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Lyney and Freminet sat on a bench that rested on the small street next to the House of the Hearth, waiting for you and Lynette to come outside once you were both ready for the Norberts' masquerade party.

The blonde magician couldn't speak for your habits, but he knew Lynette usually never took this long to prepare for any event; especially one like this, which was for the sole purpose of completing a mission. He suspected she was doing it with some other agenda in mind, and his suspicions were only confirmed a second later when his younger brother finally spoke up.

"You seem really eager to see Y/n in their old formal attire," He spoke up with an innocent tone, but one that Lyney knew was laced with ulterior motives. He didn't play into it though; just shrugging in response.

"I'm not eager," He denied, putting on a nonchalant expression, but it was already too late; Freminet had seen right through him easily.

"When will you stop denying your feelings, Lyney?" He asked with a sigh, which made the magician look away in embarrassment.

"You and Lynette both, huh?" He replied with a shake of his head, "It seems there can be no secrets within the House of the Hearth."

"You could tell them once we save those kids," his younger brother suggested now with a glint of excitement in his eye, "You could-" Suddenly, Lyney heard the familiar sound of Lynette's muffled voice from inside the house and dramatically shushed the boy now that he knew you were coming.

"We shouldn't talk about people who have enhanced hearing behind their back," he whispered, and then a second later, the door opened and the cat girl stepped out first.

Rather than wearing her formal wear, like Freminet was, she'd matched Lyney in their magic show attire; not looking too different from how she usually did. She took in her brother's expression now and smirked before finally stepping aside to reveal coming through the front door.

And, as expected, you looked gorgeous. Lyney had to force himself to remove his gaze from you in the formal clothes he remembered all too well from past Fatui events. It wasn't too different from your regular clothing, as far as color, but since you'd once been the one to choose all aspects of how it looked, it suited you very well.

Having also noticed his awestruck expression, Freminet gently nudged his brother, snapping him out of his short-lived trance.

"Right," Lyney cleared his throat now, "We should be on our way to the party before we end up late." He had a feeling that if he and his sister didn't arrive on time, Bastien might find some sort of excuse to cancel their show entirely. Though, if he did, his younger brother would certainly be beyond upset, given how hard he'd been working on it with them.

You smiled, coming over to where the two blonde brothers waited, along with Lynette. "Actually," you spoke up now, "I might have a quicker way to get us there. Follow me." And then, you headed off down the street in the direction of your workshop.

The three siblings exchanged glances amongst one another before following after you. The whole walk, which didn't last long anyway, you refused to tell them what you had planned. Finally, you reached the workshop and took out your key, unlocking one of the roller doors and sliding it up to reveal the creations waiting inside.

There, resting in your shop, were two vehicles none of the siblings had ever seen before, but that had no doubt been created by you.

"What are they?" Freminet asked as he took a step forward to inspect the vehicles. Your smile only widened.

"I call them 'motorcycles.'" You replied, "They're just a faster method of transportation I came up with a while ago that luckily weren't damaged when the workshop was attacked."

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