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Tae POV:

It's already evening I'm still doing some sketches and Jungkook-shi will be in no time.

Today morning he woke up before me, I am guessing because yesterday I slept on the sofa.
When I woke up there was a blanket wrapped around me and it smelled like him.

So comforting
So calming

the door opened with a very exhausted-looking man.

He came in, sat on the nearest couch, and closed his eyes while I made my way toward the Kitchen to bring him some warm water.

Tae: Jungkook-shi
I extended my hand with a glass so warm water.

Kook: Thanks.

He drank and kept the glass on the floor.

I sat next to him.

Tae: Jungkook-shi is everything okay? You seem so stressed.
I did not expect any answer from him because I knew he would not answer my question.


I'm hating for hating it because I used to love silence before but now...

He ran his hands on his face still his eyes closed and head resting on the couch.

Kook: It's regarding work.

Tae: Oh. Is there anything I can help you with?
You know you can take some rest and start working after feeling refreshed.

Kook: No sweetheart.
Oh, he tried to smile at me. But it dropped before it could even completely reach his eyes.

Kook: Someone in our company leaked the work to our competitors and they released them. We have only 5 days for the launch. All have been working for that for the past 3 months without taking breaks and all the employees have worked so hard. I didn't even make them take any leaves because it's a big deal for us.

I did not even expect him to explain the problem.
He said our company.
Is he taking me as his family?
Tae it's not the time to get emotional and focus on how you can help him.

I took one of his hands into mine in a comforting way.

This is my first time initiating physical contact with a man other than my papa.
He looked at me with some unknown emotion shining in his eyes but I hope he is not uncomfortable.

Tae: It's akay Jungkook-shi. Everything will be alright.
Maybe first we need to have a plan like do you have any spare demos.

He shook his head like a cute baby aww.
Before I could continue he opened his eyes.

Kook: Yeah. I guess we might have some like maybe 3.

Tae: That's good tell your team to make some progress in that model.

He nodded slowly.
Keeping his free hand on mine, his thumb caressing my skin so softly like the movements are so fragile.
I gulped focusing on how I could help him.

Tae: Jungkook-shi if you don't mind I have an idea.

Kook: Go ahead, sweetheart.

Tae: I draw some sketches while I'm feeling do---.
I shut my mouth.
Why am I ranting?
Shut your mouth Tae what the hell are you even speaking sh*t head.

Tae: I used to draw some, of course, I'm not a professional but I draw what's in my mind at that instant of time.
If that's okay for you I will show you some.

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