★彡 Confession 彡★

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Tae enjoyed the view for a few minutes.

Kook was staring at Tae and admiring his wife.


After a few minutes:

Kook: "Sweetheart"

Tae turned towards her.

Tae: "Yes Jungkook-shi"
With a soft smile on her face, her hair flew in the air making her look like an angel.

Kook: "I know it's my fault for the start not clearing up things between us"
He said while tucking a strand of hair behind her ear.

Tae: "No Jung-"

Kook: "Let me complete dear please"

Tae nodded and turned towards his direction giving him full attention.

Kook: "I should have cleared up things before itself but my dumb brain thought it didn't matter.
If you think I am rushing up things please stop me okay?
You remember the first time we met in the cafe.
That day I thought something was going on in my life to change and I'm sure of it 100 percent.
You came into my life like a walking angel that day.
I did not wait for you in my life, I didn't know you were coming into my life,
When you walked towards me that day, I didn't know it was you who was going to conquer my heart for the rest of my life,
Because I didn't know there was you, you were never my goal, expectation, or dream.
You are a surprise, a gift, and an adventure.
A beautiful, new beginning to my story I never thought I'd have.
Your sweet smile whenever you smile to me I feel so excited and satisfied.
I want to be the reason you smile every time and be there for you whenever you feel low.

You are the one who made me realize that I want to spend my life with somebody, and I want to spend the rest of my life with you as soon as possible.
So, Mrs.Jeon will you be with your Mr.Jeon always?"
Kook completed his hands in Tae's hands. Looking at his wife with pure admiration.

By now Tae was a crying mess.

Tae: "C-can I Hu-g you please"
She shuttered.

Kook opened his arms wide for her to hug.

She hugged him tightly mumbling small audible yeses.

Kook wrapped his arms around her waist pulling her closer to him.

Kook pecked on Tae's forehead and said it's okay.

Kook pulled Tae between his legs and rested his head on Tae's shoulder, arms wrapped around her tummy.

Tae relaxed on his front and pulled his hands close to her body not wanting to leave her comfortable place too soon.

Kook chuckled when she tightened his arms around her.

Kook: "I love you sweetheart"
He said kissing her shoulder.

Tae was a blushing mess she wanted to say those 3 magical words back to him but her voice got struck.

After some time they started to eat and fed each other.

With no silence.

Kook: "Sweetheart are you tired?"
He asked Tae caressing her cheeks with the pad of his thumb finger.

Tae: "No jungkook-shi"

Kook: "Do you want to stay here some more time"

Tae nodded her head.

Tae: "It's so peaceful Jungkook-shi"

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