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I sat on the couch, holding Enzo's head in my arms, making sure he didn't see the horrific imagines displayed on the tv. Though I myself was breaking down, I had to make sure he didn't catch too much of what was being said.

"A very tragic and horrific event has occurred in the Walpole Park down here in Ealing. It seems that a woman, about forty years old, has been shot dead. Officials are still looking for anyone connected to this woman or anyone who has any useful information on identifying her." That's what the news reporter had said twenty seconds ago, before the screen switched to a photo of the victim, my mum.

Her hair was a darker than usual, stained with blood and she had bruised all over her face and a cut on her left cheek. At first, I hadn't recognized her, but looking closer I saw a small gold necklace hanging from her neck, resting on her throat, as if choking her. My hand had found it's way to my brothers eyes as the tears started falling.

This can't be happening, I thought. Everything had just gotten better and now she's gone too. Lorenzo was confused and didn't know what was going on until I picked him up and ran out of the house. Thankfully the park wasn't that far away and I was able to run there, Lorenzo close behind on the rugged second-hand bike he had gotten for Christmas.

The scene was enough to make my heart go racing. So many red and blue lights surrounded me, an ambulance standing in the distance, as if to try and help an already dead woman. I rushed through the forming crowd, pushing peoples legs away whilst pulling Lorenzo behind me. Though there were many officers, I was able to slip under the barricades, sprinting through the park.

Eventually, some police had caught me before I got to her, already noticing them putting a bag around her. I screamed and kicked my feet in the air while Enzo was already further away, almost getting to her. No, I thought, he can't see her like that.

I called out his name, though he barely heard me and kept running. Now more determined, I pulled away from the officer, twisting his arm and running to Enzo. Though I wasn't fast enough. He was bent over her body, shaking her, asking her to wake up while more officers and detective came to the scene. I pulled Lorenzo away, letting him cry in my arms as I took a glance in her direction, seeing the necklace she refused to take off.

I felt a set of arms pull me up, probably another officer, I thought, but acted quickly and took the jewelry off her, gripping it with all my force as I let the man take me away from her.

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