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I was ignoring Jude the following few days, not even glancing his way whenever I would take a break in the stands, always keeping my eyes on Lorenzo just to piss him off.

Besides that, I loved being back in Madrid and didn't realise how much I'd actually missed it as well as the team. Though it wasn't that difficult to settle back in, apart from Spanish paparazzi bombarding me with questions every time I walked out the stadium.

Today though, it was a slow day. The journalists stopped bothering me too much since mine and Jude's 'relationship' was becoming old news and they had more important gossip to attend to.

I was sat at my usual spot, in the stands, not too far up and was watching the boys play, occasionally laughing whenever someone would fall, hoping they got up quickly. Otherwise I would have to check on them, which I was too tired for.

Out of the corner of my eye I spotted someone enter the pitch, in a mini skirt and a tank top barely covering anything. It was only when I squinted my eyes that I realized it was Josie, the ginger from the party.

Her arm shot up and waved as if it was an airplane propeller. Then, her screeching voice ran through the arena, calling Jude's name.

I glanced over at the players, Jude in particularly for the first time since I arrived. He looked over at her but stood still for a second, before jogging over.

I even caught a few of the players rolling their eyes at the sight of the redhead before resuming training. My eyes following the football players running across the field, hugging the girl, a smile on his face.

It surprised me how quick and easy it was for him to get together with someone else publicly, without ay worries of what the public would say. Not that I cared what he did, but he could have at least had some human decency.

I tried distracting myself, trying to avert my eyes from the couple, but somehow always ended up glancing back at them, seeming so happy together. It didn't make me feel bad about myself, it was just weird about how easy it was for me to stare at them and feel something inside of me. As if I was longing for what they had.

Now, of course, everyone feels that way eventually, but it was different this time. I didn't just long for a relationship like theirs, I longed for their relationship.

Finally, after spending plenty time on the pitch without any entertainment as Josie had left as well, I went back into my office to get some work done. On my way there, I noticed the bathroom door open, I couldn't help but glance inside, spotting Josie on the phone, twirling her hair in her finger, sitting on the sink counter, talking in her annoying voice.

"Don't worry, babes, I'll get him to do it," she said, getting an inaudible reply from the other person.

"Looks just trust me on this. He's been in love with me for years, he'll do anything to keep me. I'll have the money in no time," she said, before saying her goodbyes and hanging up.

Undoubtedly, she was talking about Jude. The whole 'in love with her for years' kind of gave it away. Then, I saw her stand up and walk towards the exit, making me turn on my heels and fast as fast as I could down the corridor. I heard the door open behind me but refused to look back, pulling out my phone and pretending to check a message.

"Excuse me?" She suddenly said, making me turn around as I assumed she was speaking to me.

"Do you know where the exit is?" She asked, a smile on her face as if she's the most innocent person in the world.

"Eres una pequeña perra y él no te merece," I said, pretending not to speak English and pointing my finger in the opposite direction of where the exit was.

"Oh, okay, nevermind then, thank you," she said, a confused look on her face and walked away. I was very tempted to throw my shoe at her but refused to admit I knew who she was.

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