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Me and Jude had been 'dating' for a few days and people were still going crazy about the kiss. I don't really know why I'd done it, it just made sense in the moment but I highly regretted it now. Even Lorenzo and Kayo didn't believe me when I said it was fake, so they think I'm actually dating him and Kayo's rubbing it in my face too hard, saying he was right all along and that he's 'the man', whatever that means.

I was out one day, just shopping with Naomi, still in Madrid though, as the team would play a few more games the following weeks. We sat at a café, taking a break from spending money when Naomi's phone went off.

While she walked off to take the call, I noticed a few teenagers further away from me, glancing my way and whispering to each other. I saw one of them hesitate to walk in my direction but did anyway, face flushed and phone in hand.

"Excuse me? Are you Davina Vásquez?" she asked, in Spanish then.

"Yes, I am," I replied and she immediately called her friends over, filling me with a lot more anxiety.

"Could we get a picture with you? We're big fans of Jude and obviously you too," they explained and I hesitantly agreed, posing with them for the photo while a stranger took it.

"Thank you so much and say hi to Jude for us," the said and ran off like children, leaving me stunned.

"Well, hello ms. Bellingham," Naomi said, putting an arm around my shoulder, witnessing the whole thing.

"It's Ms. Vásquez to you," I replied, rolling my eyes.

"Anyway, I just got off with an event planner and guess what? We were just invited to all-star party!" she exclaimed, grabbing her shopping bags and running off without me.

"Hey! Were are you going?" I yell.

"To buy outfits! Come on!" she replied, backing into the nearest store, ready to max out her card.

We went into every shop, buying the perfect things since apparently we wanted to 'get laid tomorrow' and because it was an all star party, there were going to be A-list celebrities and we had to look presentable among them. 

It took us a few hours to find the best things, definitely hurting our back accounts, but we eventually got everything and left the shopping centre.

When I got home, I got a call from Jude. Waiting to pick it up, not wanting to seem weird, I answered the call and walked to the kitchen to cook dinner.

"Are you free for dinner?" I heard on the other line but it wasn't Jude.

"Aurélien? Why do you have Jude's phone?" I ask, stopping in my tracks.

"Doesn't matter, just meet me at this restaurant at seven, I'll send you the address," he says and hangs up quickly and I get a message from his phone this time.

Assuming by the photos of the restaurant, I put together a fancy outfit, doing my makeup and hair quickly before getting on my bike as it wasn't that far away from the appartement. I call Naomi to tell her where I was going just so someone knew. Not that I didn't trust Aurélien but I always made sure whenever I went out.

"Finally, you're here, come on," someone said. i hadn't even realized it was Aurélien because of how different he looked. He wore a fancy suit but he also had a fake mustache and a wig on for some reason, making him look a lot older.

"Aurélien, what are you wearing?" I ask him.

"No time to explain, put this on," he answers and pulls out a bright red wig.

"You have got to be kidding me,"

"Come on, Vina, it'll all make sense later," he begs, making it impossible for me to say no.

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