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In my office, I contemplated on telling anyone about what I heard Josie say in the bathroom. I knew if I told Jude he wouldn't believe me and I had no intention of putting up with his attitude any time soon.

I could tell Lorenzo or the others, though I thought about the possibility of being wrong. Even if it was unlikely, I didn't want them to pester me nor Jude about it, especially since it would somehow lead back to me if Jude found out. I had to do it anonymously.

But then, I thought about if I really should do it. In fact, maybe I should keep it to myself and let Jude be taken advantage of. It's not like he hasn't done that to anyone else before. The thoughts traveled through my head and I kept rethinking the possible options.

Suddenly, Aurélien stormed inside, sweaty and out of breath. He sat down, his feet going up on my desk, grabbing a glass of water off the table, chugging it down and taking a minute before speaking.

"I have tea," he said and I edge towards him.


"So I was walking up here and I went past that annoying girl Jude brought with him," he explain, making me laugh.

"So, she's on the phone and I pretend I didn't speak English so I say hi to her in French, right, and she goes on and on about something to the person on the phone. Now, I go past her and don't think anything of it, but then I heard her say something really weird," he continues, but I cut him off before he talks more.

"She's using Jude for his money," I said, expecting him to agree. Instead, he pulls a face and rolls his chair next to me, leaning closer to me.

"No, she has a foot fetish and I started laughing really hard but she couldn't realise I can speak English so I pretended to have mental disorder and started walking like a duck, what do you mean he's using Jude for his money?" He rambles, trying to make me ignore his bizarre story.

"Well, I thought that was what you were going to say," I reply, "wait, she has a foot fetish?" I laugh.

"Yeah, and apparently half her body is plastic," he laughs, "what do you mean she's using Jude for his money?" He asked once again, this time a lot more serious.

"Well I walked past the bathroom and heard her talk to someone about how she was going to get money from him and I think she was talking to her boyfriend," I explained, leaning back in my chair.

"Didn't she break up with him?" He asked.

"Apparently not," I reply, turning toward the window that had a good view of the stadium, seeing a couple of players still on the field, wondering if I should tell more of them.

"Are you going to tell Jude?"

"What? No, I can't. I mean, he chose to be with her, right? And it's not like he hasn't amused someone for something before. So, this'll be a sort of revenge," I explain, turning back to him.

"Right, makes sense but at the same time I don't want to see him get hurt. Obviously what he did to you was worse but he isn't exactly the brightest person and he's been in love with her for a while so It'll be hard for him to realize what's going on," he explained.

"Sure," I replied after a while of thinking, "but we can't tell him too soon. I mean, we're not even a hundred percent sure about this. We need proof," I reply

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