Intro to MBTI and Cognitive functions

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For those who don't know, the Meyers Briggs personality tests categorizes people into 16 different personality types based on the following dichotomies:

-Extroversion or Introversion E/I (Extroversion means getting energized by external stimuli (that does NOT mean socializing) and feeling drained by a lack of stimulation. Introversion means being overwhelmed by external stimuli and needing to recharge being away from external stimulation) 

-Intuition or Sensing N/S (Sensing means you prefer to observe information based on your five senses and on the physical world, Intuition means you prefer to perceive the world based on abstract impressions. One is not superior to the other and everyone uses both). 

-Thinking or Feeling  T/F (Thinking is a decision-making preference based on what is objectively logical and rational and putting less priority on emotions. Feeling is a decision-making process based on what seems moral and ethical, often prioritizes harmony and empathy over concrete logic. Feeling does not make you stupid, and Thinking does not make you heartless. Again, we use both). 

-Judging or Perceiving J/P (This one is a bit hard to explain, even for me. Pretty much this means you either place an emphasis on managing or observing the world outside of yourself. This does NOT mean you are either organized or messy.)

So you take four letters from each category, and that makes 16 types:


For the middle categories, there are also 2 different cognitive functions. That's right, there are 2 different types of thinking and feeling and sensing and intuition, and each type has a function from each category. There are 8 functions in total, and this theory comes from Philosopher and Psychologist Carl Jung, and Meyers and Briggs came together as mother and daughter to connect these functions together to create the 16 personalities. Here are the functions listed below. 

Extroverted Intuition ("Ne")

Introverted Intuition ("Ni")

Extroverted Sensing ("Se")

Introverted Sensing ("Si")

Extroverted Feeling ("Fe")

Introverted Feeling ("Fi")

Extroverted Thinking ("Te")

Introverted Thinking ("Ti")

I'm not going to explain what all of these mean's a lot...

Pretty much each type uses a combination of each of these functions and are the best at using the "top two". For more information, I suggest looking at Frank James, Dear Kristen, LiJo, or Love Who on YouTube. They explain the cognitive functions in clarity that I could never achieve on one page. 

I'm sure this was confusing if you have no knowledge of MBTI...I'm sorry...

Disclaimer: MBTI is not widely accepted by licensed psychologists and isn't fully backed up by science. There is a lot of confirmation bias, and many stereotypes about each of the types. Truly there are 7-8 billion different personality types since not one of us are the same. I just use this as a tool to understand myself and others. Please don't use your type to put yourself in a box or as an excuse to why you are or aren't good at something. It's not healthy to do that nor does it help you on your personal growth. Thank you.  

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