ENFPs and Abandonment

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I don't think I've experienced this as much as other ENFPs, but ENFPs seem to suffer from some kind of abandonment issues. 

Let me explain:

A lot of ENFP memes contain something along the lines of "I'm secretly insecure that everyone hates me behind my back and just tolerates me to my face."

I have this insecurity a little bit. Feeling like you're too clingy with your friends, or that people just feel obligated to be nice to you, or that you aren't a good enough friend, employee, daughter/son, significant other, etc. 

I was listening to "Anti-hero" by Taylor Swift...and somehow, I felt as though I related to the lyrics. Sometimes I see myself as some annoying burden that if people had the chance, they'd drop everything and leave me because they're tired of having to give me constant assurance. 

ENFPs are sometimes viewed as annoying, or high maintenance, and other unpleasant things, and because we are viewed this way, and we are intuitive feelers, it sort of gives us this anxious image of ourselves. 

Now I am an ENFP. I am capable of being the source of my own joy, but I think sometimes I have this idea that I care more about my friends than they do about me, and if we know anything about ENFPs, it's that they REALLY value friendships. 

Having this kind of anxious attachment isn't healthy. If you are an ENFP and you're having feelings of:

-Being some kind of amusement for people and nothing more

-Feeling as though you love/care more about your friends/family than they do about you

-Having many surface level friendships but not enough deep relationships

-Being a burden to other people

-Feeling as though you're "clingy" or "annoying."

I want you to know that you are not alone. More importantly than that I want you to know that you are loved, and that you are an essential part of your loved one's lives. Sometimes it takes some maturity to realize this, but if you go through life with this negative self-image and that leads to self-sabotage...then these things might come true since it will not only make you suffer, but your loved one's suffer as well from wondering what's wrong and if they're helping enough. You deserve to be confident, both in yourself and your relationships with others. It is not wrong to believe you are desirable and worthy of love.  

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