Type Compatibility

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Okay so I have some opinions on "Type Compatibility". Trust me. I've been down the MBTI shipping meme rabbit-holes before. I sometimes still enjoy going there. The thing that makes this very difficult is that we are real people, and we will fall into one of these 16 personalities. The people around us, our childhoods, and our pasts will more determine our preferences than our personality type. I also think any two types, even people of the same type or opposite type, may have a successful relationship if there is communication, mutual respect, consent, and effort on both sides. 


I have type compatibility theories! 

Note that these "theories" are not always going to work, nor are they the end all be all. I just notice patterns that make people more compatible typically. 

Now online I'm sure you've seen that "shadow types" (ISTJ and ESTP) are compatible, or that types with only the same second letter (like ENTJ and INFP) are compatible. I think there is some truth to this...but it doesn't always work. It usually works for friendship though from what I have seen. 

Typical patterns I see though are these:

Introvert-Extrovert couples are the most common and most compatible. It won't always happen, but typically this combination is the most successful. While the introvert may be overwhelmed, and the extrovert may be underwhelmed, if there is communication and boundaries involved, this is an ideal situation for both teamwork and chemistry. I find that introvert-introvert couples tend to become avoidant, and that extrovert-extrovert couples tire each other out or get competitive.  That's not always true, but it's usually what I observe. 

Sensing and Intuition don't matter as much as people think. I still am drawn to people who us Se (Extroverted Sensing) when it comes to friendship (not so much romantically though) and Si (Introverted Sensing) both in friendship and romantic partnership. I use Ne (Extroverted Intuition), and while people say I should be most compatible with an Ni user, that doesn't matter as much. Sensors are still able to hold a deep and creative conversation, although it's usually about emotions (which is great). However, I may get my lack of abstract ideas with a sensing partner, but you can't get everything from a partner anyway. I just don't think the N/S difference is as important as people think. 

A thinking or feeling difference isn't necessary. Two feelers and two thinkers are usually more harmonious. While the thinking/feeling difference may be more beneficial in some regards, I would definitely be open to being with another feeler. NF, NT, and SF types would be easy for me, but being with an ST type would be difficult for me. 

Judging/Perceiving couples are ideal, and Judging/Judging couples are also ideal. I hate to say this, but the world is not built for perceiving types (we live in a capitalistic society). While two perceivers may get along well and adapt well together, the real world may tear them apart. Finances and deadlines might spoil the relationship, or one perceiver may be forced to be the more "judging" of the two. This can create resentment. Judging/Perceiving relationships are ideal because one partner brings more reliability to the table, and the other brings adaptability to the table and this creates harmony. Judging/Judging relationships are also good because the world's deadlines and responsibilities will be an important priority to both parties, and they will be on the same page. The only problem is Judging/Judging relationships may feel rigid and not able to be comfortable. 

I believe EXXP types and IXXJ types are compatible. (ESTP, ESFP, ENFP, ENTP) and (ISTJ, ISFJ, INFJ, INTJ). I believe introverted perceiving functions and extroverted perceiving functions just happen naturally, both in friendship and romantic compatibility. ENTP and ISFJ, ESFP and INFJ, ESTP and INTJ, ENFP and ISTJ are all examples of these. 

I also think this holds true for EXXJ and IXXP types. (ENTJ, ENFJ, ESFJ, ESTJ) and (INTP, INFP, ISFP, ISTP). ESFJ and INFP, ISTP and ENTJ, ISFP and ESTJ, and ENFP and INTP are examples of these. 

IXXJ and IXXP types could be compatible, same with EXXP and EXXJ, and IXXP and EXXP, and IXXJ and EXXJ, are possible, but two of the same group would be the least compatible. 

Anyways, these are just some of my theories. Let me know if you agree or disagree. 

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